
Feb 16, 2017

10mm Fantasy Ogre Miniatures, Update

It's been a busy couple of weeks here at Black Gate Miniatures.

First up, I have created a set moulds for the Ogre Warriors, one Silicon master and five Rubber production moulds. Next week (after half term) I hope to complete the casting up of the Ogre Warriors ready for distribution.

Ogre Warrior moulds

Ogre Warrior moulds

First miniatures from the Master mould

First miniatures from the Master mould

Next, I sent a set of masters off to Rid @ http://www.fanplasticlittlemen.blogspot.co.uk/ and he gave the a cool paint job. So here are a couple of shots of the first painted unit.

First painted unit

First painted unit

Rear view

Rear view

Also next week, I will be aiming to create the three moulds needed for the Cannoneers, one master and two production moulds. That should put us in a great position to complete delivery by the April 2017 due date.

Finally, I will be going through all the Kickstarter Survey responses and making sure I have the correct order details ready for shipping.

I will keep you informed as things move along.

Ogre Smash!


Black Gate Miniatures

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