
Jan 31, 2017

Sneak Peek, WWII Buildings by Pendraken Miniatures

The talented John at Ironclad Miniatures has been working on some new WWII buildings for us, to replace the existing Russian houses.  This is the first casting we've received, with more to come shortly.

We'll hopefully have these ready for sale before the end of February.

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Two Houses for Normandy by Escenografia Epsilon

Two Houses for Normandy by Escenografia Epsilon

Two houses in 10mm for Normandy ready for molds.

Escenografia Epsilon

Half Timbered Cottage with Dormer from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Half Timbered Cottage with Dormer from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

10mm Half timbered cottage with dormer. Suitable for a number of Wargame eras including ECW and Napoleonics.

Length: 45mm
Width: 35mm
Height (to roof apex): 35mm
Price £4.55 (unpainted)

Supplied unpainted.

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Update End Of January 2017 from Black Gate Miniatures

Update end of January 2017 - Sculpting complete!

We have reached an important milestone in the journey.

All 22 miniatures for phase 1 have been sculpted. I have 11 with me and the rest have been paid for and are in transit.

Next is the production stage. I am planning to break the back of the production in February and we should hopefully be in good shape come the beginning of March.

Pictures of the rest of the models are below. Extreme close ups on small models don't do them justice, these guys are going to be great on the table.

Armoured Ogre Warriors

Armoured Ogre Warriors 

more Armoured Ogre Warriors

more Armoured Ogre Warriors 



Thanks for all the support I have had on the journey so far.

Ogres smash!


Black Gate Miniatures

Jan 30, 2017

Givenchy in the Great War: A Village on the Front Line 1914 - 1918

Givenchy in the Great War: A Village on the Front Line 1914 - 1918

The village of Givenchy-les-la-Bassee sits on a small rise in the Pas de Calais Department in northern France. One hundred years ago it was overtaken by the First World War. The fighting there was intense - eleven Victoria Crosses were won in this tiny locality between 1914 and 1918. Phil Tomaselli's in-depth account shows what happened at Givenchy when it became a battlefield, and the story here was repeated in the other villages and towns on the Western Front. Givenchy's key position made it the target for crushing bombardments, infantry assaults and subterranean warfare. The landscape was pulverized by shellfire, the ground beneath was honeycombed with tunnels. Mining operations, shelling, sniping and trench raids took place around the remains of the village even when this stretch of the front line was relatively quiet. The gruelling struggle of attrition that characterized the fighting on the Western Front continued here throughout the war. Phil Tomaselli's gripping narrative makes extensive use of war diary extracts, personal stories, official and unofficial histories.

The Struggle for the Dardanelles: The Memoirs of a German Staff-Officer in Turkish Service

The Struggle for the Dardanelles: The Memoirs of a German Staff-Officer in Turkish Service

This is a detailed eye-witness account of the Dardanelles/Gallipoli campaign from the perspective of the Turks, through the eyes of Major Erich Prigge an adjutant to Marshal Liman von Sanders, the German commander-in-chief of the Ottoman forces in the Dardanelles. The focus is overwhelmingly on combat but includes related matters such as reconnaissance and logistics. Packed with specific information and technical detail as well as action, it should be of great interest to historians and enthusiasts. Prigge actually wrote two accounts of the campaign. The first, published in January 1916 while the fighting continued, revealed so much information that the Ottoman government asked the German authorities to suppress it. The other, published later that year, included coverage of the British evacuation. Although Prigge had removed many of the sensitive details of unit names, casualties etc, he had substantially rewritten and augmented many passages with lively descriptive material. Philip Rance here presents the first English translations of both versions, which together form one of the most complete and valuable accounts of this campaign available from the Turkish perspective.

Jan 28, 2017

Jan 26, 2017

WWI Russians Released by Kallistra

The first seven packs of Early War Russians are now available to order. Cast in lead-free pewter to the highest standards.

Austro-Hungarians to follow.

Our Special Army Deal also applies to our WWI range of miniatures:

Every six packs you buy – only pay for five, so that's six packs for £30 GBP (plus P&P).

Early War Russian Infantry Advancing

Early War Russian Infantry Advancing
Early War Russian Infantry Firing and Loading

Early War Russian Infantry Firing and Loading
Early War Russian Heavy Machine Gun
Early War Russian Heavy Machine Gun
Early war Russian Cavalry
Early war Russian Cavalry
Early War Russian Command
Early War Russian Command
See our full range of Early War miniatures here.

We'll have these new packs with us at Vapnartak, York. Please pre-order if you can, because our ranges are so extensive, it is impossible for us to carry our full range of terrain and miniatures.

Please have your Vapnartak pre-orders to us by Wednesday, 1st February.

Take a look at the website for full details of all our new releases and our full product ranges: kallistra.co.uk.

See us on Facebook for details of all our new releases, and join the Kallistra forum.

Kallistra Ltd

10mm Stone Bridge by Battlescale Wargame Buildings

10mm Stone Bridge by Battlescale Wargame Buildings

10mm Stone Bridge by Battlescale Wargame Buildings is suitable for many periods

The bridge is 120mm long with a 30mm road width and a 25mm span.
£6.95 (unpainted version)

10mm Stone Bridge by Battlescale Wargame Buildings picture 2

10mm Stone Bridge by Battlescale Wargame Buildings picture 3

10mm Stone Bridge by Battlescale Wargame Buildings picture 4

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

TimeCast's, Cold War 84 Update

Our New 10mm Cold War 84 Range is Almost Ready for Release!

TimeCast's, Cold War 84 Update

The T64B production molds are almost ready, and the next two models (BMP-1 and BMP2) have been sent off to be put into molds.

TimeCast T64B tank

In addition, the first masters for our range of 10mm 1980s Soviet infantry have been finished. The rest should be finished shortly and should be ready to go into molds early in February.

We are hoping to have the T64B on sale at the Vapnartak show in York on 5th February.


Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank

This product was completed in early 2016. In the summer of 2016, eBay was sold on the 144 tank's store.

1/144 Mammoth Tank MK.I

Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank

Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank picture 2

Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank picture 3

Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank picture 4

Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank picture 5

Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank picture 6

Mammoth Tank MK.I from 1/144 Tank picture 7

1/144 Tank

1/144 T-95 Tank from 1/144 Tank

1/144 T-95 Tank hand painted on sale now from 1/144 Tank

T-95 Tank

1/144 T-95 Tank from 1/144 Tank

1/144 Tank

Jan 25, 2017

New 10mm American Civil War Building from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

New 10mm American Civil War Building from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

New 10mm scale American Civil War Building on the workbench.

New 10mm scale American Civil War Building on the workbench

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Medieval Warfare VII-7, Feb-Mar 2017

Medieval Warfare VII-7, Feb-Mar 2017

We're kicking the year off with a look at everyone's favorite raiders and pillagers: the Vikings. From their most famous battles, to a look at tactics, weapons and even recent archaeology that's shedding new light on Viking culture, this issue is packed with articles for every Viking fan. Off-topic offerings include an investigation of the Siege of Edessa (1144), a visit to Korea in 1123 and a look at ghost armies (spooky!) during the Middle Ages.

Theme: Peter Konieczny, "Why did the Vikings attack?"

At the dawn of the ninth century, communities throughout western Europe faced “sudden and unforeseen attacks of the Northmen.” Pirates and plunderers came from the sea and struck the unprotected, killing or capturing all those they could get their hands on. What made the Vikings explode out of Denmark and Norway around the year 800?

Reconstruction of the female weapon grave from Nordre Kjølen, Hedmark, Norway. Illustration by Miroslaw Kuzma.

Theme: Leszek Gardela, "Between myth and reality: Amazons of the Viking world"

In his history of the Heroic Age of Denmark, the chronicler Saxo Grammaticus included a remarkable passage about women who preferred “conflicts instead of kisses, tasted blood not lips”, and “sought the clash of arms rather than the arm’s embrace”. This account has long been regarded as a product of its author’s vivid imagination and as having no reflection in early medieval reality. Over the last decade, however, new studies on Old Norse literature and mythology, as well as recent (re)interpretations of archaeological finds, have added new pieces to the puzzle of whether, and in what sense, such “warrior women” may have existed in the Viking Age.

Theme: William E. Welsh, "Laying waste to everything: Viking tactics in West Francia"

The Danes who plundered West Francia in the ninth century owed their success to sturdy longships that allowed them to reach deep into the heart of the Carolingian kingdom via its major rivers. They initially avoided battle with the Franks, but when necessary they fought in close formation behind overlapping shields. In the middle part of the century, the Danes began wintering on islands in the major rivers. Their year-round presence in the region, coupled with their desire for greater prizes, increased the likelihood of battle.

Theme: Ann Christys, "'Ship after ship of the Majus': A Viking raid on Seville in 844"

In 844, Vikings attacked the coasts and rivers of what is now Spain and Portugal. Most memorable of all to later chroniclers were the ferocity of their brief occupation of Seville and the deeds of those who eventually expelled them.

Theme: Danielle Turner, "Brilliant warfare or pragmatic decision: The Viking Sieges of Paris"

Ninth-century France proved very lucrative for the Vikings. It was a land marred by civil war and bad harvests, and the Norsemen took advantage of this through raiding and mercenary acts. France’s riverine system and innovations in the Viking longship allowed the Danes to penetrate deep into the continent and make a fortune in plunder from monasteries. Paris would be the ultimate target, and the Vikings besieged the city twice and received tribute payment in both cases. Why were the Vikings able to continuously successfully pillage France? Were the Frankish rulers inept, cowardly, or just practical in their handling of Norse incursions?

Theme: Danielle Trynoski, "Curl up and sharpen your seaxe: Viking Winter Camps"

Archaeologists are making use of new tools to find and explore the physical evidence that Vikings left behind when they raided the British Isles. We are learning more about the camps they created, and how they were used for military purposes. The research is also revealing some interesting differences between what the Vikings were doing in England and in Ir eland.

Theme: Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, "The Viking axe"

Few weapons were so feared or as evocative as the axe used by the Vikings in their feuds and in battle, as well as on their raids throughout Europe in the eighth and ninth centuries and beyond. With its long shaft, wielded in both hands, its iron head and sharp edge, it was formidable indeed – cleaving heads and bodies at a single blow. But what was it really like?

Special: Peter Konieczny, "'Bravery and valor flourish here': Reporting on Korea in 1123"

When looking back at a past civilization, sometimes the most interesting sources come from outsiders. Their observations can provide insights and details that are taken for granted by the local inhabitants. Such was the case when a Chinese official visited Korea nine hundred years ago. His report gives us some fascinating observations about that country, including its military.

The Horseman of Death leading his army in a scene from the Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry, Folio 90v.

Special: Scott G. Bruce, "Medieval armies of the dead"

We have long had a fascination with the dead. Just as we do today, medieval people told tales of corpses rising from graves, or of spirits haunting the world of the living. They include stories of ghostly armies on the march – but were they forces of good or evil?

The Siege: Michael S. Fulton, "Mining as a medieval siege tactic: The Siege of Edessa"

Much like how the common foot soldier is often outshone by the mounted knight, so too are miners often overlooked in favour of more visually impressive siege engines. Mining, however, was the most effective means of breaching fortified masonry throughout the medieval period. Even the counterweight trebuchet and subsequent early bombards were no match for a team of skilled sappers. In the middle of the twelfth century, Imad al-Din Zengi, lord of Mosul and Aleppo, brought the resources of northern Syria and the Jazira to bear against the Crusader city of Edessa. Employing a range of contemporary siege tactics, it would once again prove to be the picks of his humble miners that would deliver the city to him, and unknowingly spark the Second Crusade.

Movie knights: Murray Dahm, "Hollywood's favourite Viking: Ragnar Lodbrok"

Vikings on film is a rich and diverse genre. In fact, there are probably more ‘Viking’ films than almost any other kind of medieval film, and their numbers keep growing. One of these Norsemen who gets a lot of screen time is the legendary Ragnar Lodbrok.

Medieval Warfare

Jan 23, 2017

Wargames Illustrated 352, February 2017

Wargames Illustrated 352, February 2017

Once again our all-seeing eye is cast upon the wealth of products coming the gamer’s way in the next few months, with some selected items that we think you’ll like.

Our lead article discusses the nature of elite troops and muses upon how they can be fielded in our games in a ‘realistic’ fashion.

Phil Yates takes us through what we can expect from the latest release of this hugely popular set of rules.

Just what does the title ‘Guards’ mean for military units? And how should we treat these units on the tabletop? Barry Hilton explores these questions.

Game designer David Brown discusses some of the philosophy and rules mechanics that went into the creation of these rules from Reisswitz Press.

One of the most iconic troop types of the Ancient era. Yet what does being a ‘Cataphract’ actually mean and how did they fare in battle?

A look at a model making and gaming extravaganza based upon an action from the First World War in Mesopotamia.

Need a bodyguard in the Early Medieval period? Looking for a hard-core of highly skilled, dangerous warriors to overcome the enemy? Then look no further than these Viking elites.

Wargaming went all educational last year when Dan Mersey was invited to Edinburgh to speak on this topic. Professor Gianlucca Raccagni, the organizer, tells us all about the concept.

Dom Sore discusses the Waffen-SS and how they fare using the Bolt Action rules.

Roger Merry suggests how to turn household waste into tabletop terrain.

Taking his lead from the movie Hacksaw Ridge, Dom Sore looks at the rise of the medic within warfare and how to integrate them into your World War Two gaming.

The Victrix range of figures continues to expand, allowing you to field a whole range of units. In this article, Simon MacDowell takes a look at options for some of the latest miniatures.

Robert Giglio takes us on another journey to the North-West Frontier in the 1890’s, this time looking at an action involving the Corps of Guides.

Dan Mersey takes a look at both the historical and Shakespearean versions of Macbeth, one of the most intriguing characters from Scottish history.

These Napoleonic-era skirmish rules have proven quite popular, so we’ve taken a closer look to help spread the word!

Henry Hyde finds that a return to his gaming youth can be guided by one of the more recent rules systems.

A quick re-cap of the origins of the miniatures featured in this magazine.

Wargames Illustrated

January 23rd 2017 Update from Black Gate Miniatures

Robi has managed to complete the Warrior sculpts, they are paid for in full and in the post to me by special delivery. Come Wednesday I should be able to begin production on these guys, so long as everything goes OK.

I decided to put full command in the Warrior and Armoured Warrior units after seeing a friends' fully converted Ogre army on the table.

Warrior Command

Warrior Command

Here also are the other 5 Warrior models which when added to the Kickstarter Warrior will take us to the magical 9 models needed.

The other 5 Warriors

The other 5 Warriors
 Expect more update on the Armoured Warriors soon!

Ogres Forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

Jan 21, 2017

Stygian Elf Crossbowmen by Onslaught Miniatures

The Stygian Elves hail from the Bleak and unforgiving Ash Isles - rocky Islands perpetually covered in black ash from a range of violently active volcanoes on the mainland to their east.  This ash blots out the sun, and covers their kingdom in constant darkness.

Stygian Elf Crossbowmen fill the skies with clouds of deadly poisoned bolts - killing scores of their enemy before ranks of Spearmen close the distance and slay any survivors.

A Stygian Elf Spearmen unit consists of 12 random Stygian Elf Crossbowmen Skirmish ranks.

Stygian Elf Crossbowmen

Stygian Elf Crossbowmen picture 1

Stygian Elf Crossbowmen picture 2

Onslaught Miniatures

Jan 20, 2017

Up & Coming from Good Ground LLC

One of the fine folks I have working closely with my company is Mike Randles. His first creation for our Between the Lines Models range is the Carter Home and outbuildings from the Battle of Franklin.

Carter Home

We have this in the hands of our resin caster, John Mayer, and we should have it ready for sales on our site by late next month. Mike will start on the Troop Hurt house from the Battle of Atlanta next.

Elkhorn Tavern

Pontoon Bridge Set

Paul Bernardino, who created our pontoon set and the Elkhorn Tavern piece, is working diligently on the Carter Cotton Gin from Franklin, Tennessee. I also have a second big project for him following the Cotton Gin project. Last year, we focused on the Cracker Line and Plank Road ranges. We will do some minor work on these lines this year, but plans are to increase the number of buildings in our Between the Lines Models range during 2017.

Keep an eye out for more details.

Fire Sale

Finally, our Fire Sale is still on for a little while longer. Don't miss out: it may end any time now!

Good Ground LLC

Jan 19, 2017

Timber Framed Cottage with Dormer from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Timber framed cottage with dormer. Suitable for a number of wargaming eras including ECW and Napoleonics

Timber Framed Cottage with Dormer

Timber Framed Cottage with Dormer


Length: 45mm

Width: 35mm

Height (to roof apex): 35mm

Supplied unpainted.

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Jan 16, 2017

Plans for 2017 by Pendraken Miniatures

 Plans for 2017 by Pendraken Miniatures

I'd originally planned to have this up at the start of the month, but unfortunately I've been down with a virus for the past 4 weeks and as a result I'm way behind on everything at this end.  I'm getting back to normal now, so with 263 new products last year (taking us up to 1000 new releases in the past 5 years) it's time to look at what we've got planned for the coming 12 months!

Blitzkrieg Commander III

First up is the one everyone is asking about, the impending arrival of Blitzkrieg Commander III.  With the illness issues progress was slow on this one, so in the end we went to the unit and brought the work computer home with us, so that I could work on it in my pyjamas!  The good news is that this worked quite well and I was able to finish the task of combining the original text with the rewritten version.  With this new combined text complete, I'm now doing a second run through the rules to check for any errors, as well as doing basic formatting and layout along the way.  I'm about 50% complete on this and making pretty good progress, so I should be able to get the remaining 50% sorted out this coming week.

Once that's done, I'll add in the scenarios and army lists (much easier to transfer into the new rules) and then it'll be going out to the playtesters.  We'll only have a small window for checking the rules over, maybe 2-3 weeks, so that I can fix any issues that arise and get everything finalised by the end of February.  If all of that goes to plan, we can get them sent off to the printers in early March, receive the printed rules back to us before the end of that month, and then make the grand release in early April!

I'm mentioned elsewhere that the delays on this project have been just as frustrating to me as everyone out there waiting on them.  It's not been an easy task but the end is in sight!

Once BKCIII is out there, we'll start work on CWCII, which should be sometime in the summer.

25th Birthday!

As many of you will already be aware, 2017 is our 25th year and we've got a few things planned.

- First up will be the new website, which should be online within the next month.  Again, this has been delayed a little but it's a big job putting 4000+ products into a new custom site and making sure everything works as it should.  Once we're close to finished, we'll contact a few people to check it over for us, before launching it with a bit of a sale maybe...

- Secondly, we've got our actual 25th birthday party, which will consist of two parts.  The first day is an interesting one and something I hope folks will enjoy... it'll certainly be a fun day out at the very least.  It'll only be for a select number of guests and we'll be holding a prize draw through the website for tickets.  The second day will be a small Pendraken 10mm show, similar to our 20th Birthday Bash.  We're thinking about holding this in the Midlands somewhere, but this hasn't been set in stone yet.  A lot of it will depend on the day one event, and whether we can make it a single weekend rather than two standalone days.  More details will follow shortly on all of this.

- And finally, we'll be having a Birthday sale on the website over our birthday weekend, as well as having a special figure which will go into any orders placed over that same period.

New Ranges

There are a few areas we'll be focussing on over 2017:

- The Korean War will be our main job for the year and Phil's already started work on the sculpts.  This comprehensive range will cover all of the nations for the conflict, and should give folks some solid proxy options for other armies through the 50's/60's and beyond.  If you missed the original range list, you can find it here: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,15019.0.html

- Our other main range will be a complete revamp of the 1859/1866 Italians, replacing the two current ranges with a better set of figures which will be suitable for most of the Italian Wars of Independence.  The full sculpting list for this one can be found here: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,15351.0.html  Once this range has been done, we'll be looking at the Indian Mutiny plus some more Naps nations.

- Whilst those are being done, Mart and Steve will be continuing to plough ahead with more new vehicles as well.

Aside from the above, we've got a load of ranges/figures already here to be released, including the Nap Brunswickers, Samurai Apes and Eldritch Vampires for Warband, more Nap French cavalry and there's also a range of Aztecs knocking about somewhere...  Plus the remaining M tanks like the M60, M26, M41 and M47.


It's not as much fun, but we do need to to rein in some of our bills a little.  The metal prices shot up quite significantly through 2016, and as we saw with the website issues, it's very easy for little things to have a big effect and things can get very tight for a period.  Our sculpting costs through the 15/16 tax year were well over £20,000 which is a huge amount of money to invest over a short space of time.  I think I mentioned elsewhere that we weren't able to pay ourselves at all through August last year and that's not something we want to see repeated.  We obviously want to keep sculpting and putting out new products, but this is a business and we need to be keep an eye on things.

We did have plans to bring in another caster to take on some of the workload at Pendraken HQ, but we've had to shelve that until the finances look a little healthier.  I'm hoping the metal will start to level out and come back down a little in the coming months.

That's it for now I think, no doubt I've forgotten something in there so let me know any queries and I'll do my best to answer them!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Small Ruin (pack of 2) Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Suitable for various wargame eras, from early black powder right up to modern day conflicts.


Length: 55mm

Width: 40mm

Height: 35mm

Two pieces per pack

Supplied unpainted

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Jan 13, 2017

Napoleonic Russians Items by Lancer Miniatures

Just a couple of new items for my Napoleonic Russians, a 4 horse limber and a bloody great 20pdr artillery piece.

20pdr x3 plus 12 crew figures

20pdr x3 plus 12 crew figures

Russian 4 horse limber

Russian 4 horse limber

Lancer Miniatures

Stygian Elf Spearmen by Onslaught Miniatures

The Stygian Elves hail from the Bleak and unforgiving Ash Isles - rocky Islands perpetually covered in black ash from a range of violently active volcanoes on the mainland to their east.  This ash blots out the sun, and covers their kingdom in constant darkness.

The Bulk of Stygian Elf armies are made up of rank upon rank of dark-hearted spearmen, clad in jet black armor and blood red cloaks - these formidable warriors find sadistic joy in bringing death and pain to their foes.

A Stygian Elf Spearmen unit consists of 1 Stygian Elf Spearmen Command Rank, and 5 random Stygian Elf Spearmen ranks.

Stygian Elf Spearmen

Stygian Elf Spearmen picture 1

Stygian Elf Spearmen picture 2

Onslaught Miniatures

Townhouse Ruin Section from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Suitable for a number of Wargame eras including WWII.

Townhouse Ruin Section

Townhouse Ruin Section


Length: 75mm

Width: 45mm

Height: 50mm

Click on main image to expand.

Supplied unpainted.

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Jan 11, 2017

Miniature Wargames 406, February 2017

Miniature Wargames 406, February 2016

Issue 406 of Miniature Wargames is out very soon – it's off to the printers as I type. What treasures does it hold?

A sit-rep for (mostly) historical wargaming. This month features releases by Warlord, Deepcut Studios and Victrix along with news about upcoming shows.

Who will rid me of this turbulent priest? Conrad Kinch offers us an introduction piece with a scenario set in The Very British Civil War (and the 1938 March on Canterbury!) using some Memoir '44 mechanics. One scenario is included with the concluding scenarios next month…

Jason Weiser tells us about the hobby as he sees it in this occasional column looking at what motivates us as hobbyists.

Take a journey to the dark side with George Anderson as he presents some new Dark Age raiding scenarios for Dux Britanniarum. Photography Kevin Dallimore

The first of a two-part article with rules for small unit actions in the modern era. Stephen Jones covers infantry actions leaving vehicles to part two in next months issue.

In a revisit of an article penned three decades ago, based around a real life WWII engagement, Robin Miles runs us through a scenario transported from Italy to the Eastern front using Rapid Fire rules.

This month has the following pieces:


Fantasy Facts with the monthly roundup of what's new in non-historical gaming; News and reviews from Wargames Terrain Workshop; Mierce Miniatures, Brigade Models; Warlord; Crooked Dice; Modiphius and Pigeon Guard Games.

Battletech: Alpha Strike. Joe McCullough tells us what he likes about Battletech and why we should love it! Pictures by Ashley Pollard.

Copying the Copycats. Jamie Gordon gives a guide to how and why we should be and take inspiration from TV and Hollywood

Painting Toy Tanks Redux: The Editor paints some more SF tanks (Brigade Models and Darkest Star) using stencils by Anarchy and spray cans.

Brian Cameron gives us a Tongs and Gambino's ruck: a game with mafia and Chinese gangs as they fight it out in Chicago in a scenario for this popular rule system.

What to read and why for wargamers. This month covers: The First British Army; Guns Of The Elite Forces; Congo!; Much Embarrassed – Civil War Intelligence And The Gettysburg Campaign; The Iran-Iraq War, Volume One; The Battle Of The Bulge Vol1: The Failure Of The Final Blitzkrieg; The Battle Of Montgomery, 1644; and Deborah, And The War Of The Tanks, 1917.

Niall Barr builds a Vauban Fort in foamcore and card and offers advice about how you can do the same.

Making the most of what one has with a little terrain renewal. Diane Sutherland takes us on a journey fixing up and ‘re-purposing' older terrain boards from The Wargamer's basement.

The Sheffield Wargames Society introduce us all to their history and why – if you live in the area – you might want to join this vibrant club.

Find a club in your vicinity and add your club for free!

John Treadaway
Editor of Miniature Wargames

Miniature Wargames