
Dec 31, 2016

M551 Sheridan Released by Pendraken Miniatures

Here's our final release for 2016!  The M551 Sheridan was developed in the late 60's and was first deployed in Vietnam, where 200 saw extensive action in the US armoured cavalry units.  Whilst mobility and reliability were better than the M48 Patton, the Sheridan suffered with a long reload process and could only fire two shells per minute compared to an impressive seventeen for the M48.  After Vietnam, the Sheridan was slowly phased out but was still used in the US invasion of Panama in 1989, and then again in Iraq where 51 Sheridans were among the first AFVs to be deployed.

Modern Vehicles

MDV39   M551 Sheridan     £3.20

MDV39   M551 Sheridan

And that's us all done for this year!  There is a reason for this final, single release, which will become apparent in a few day's time...  But until then, we hope you've all had a good 2016 and we'll see you next year!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Dec 30, 2016

Digital Book Sale at Warlord Games

For a limited period, we've discounted the PDF and eBook versions of our rulebooks and supplements!

Whether you're looking to get into a new game or add new supplements to your collection, there's loads to choose from – be it Bolt Action, Beyond the Gates of Antares, or our other games – Hail Caesar, Pike & Shotte or Black Powder.

The special offer also includes foreign-language versions of many of our books.

This offer doesn't last forever, so take advantage of this offer while you can!

Warlord Games

Warband Dragonmen & Dark Elves Released by Pendraken Miniatures

It's been awhile since our last new Warband range, so we've got a double-header to make up for it!

First up we've got the brand new Dragonmen covering everything from men-at-arms to knights to dragons of course.  These are all brand new sculpts (hence the longer timescales to get them ready) but they're certainly worth the wait as Techno has done a cracking job on them.

Secondly we've got our new Dark Elves as well, with new warriors, raptor-riders and witches ready to take to the table.

As with all of our Warband ranges, each pack contains all different sculpts, so that's 25 different figures in the foot packs and 12 different poses in the cavalry.


FAN-DME1   25 x Men-at-Arms   £4.95

FAN-DME1   25 x Men-at-Arms

FAN-DME2   25 x Archers   £4.95

FAN-DME2   25 x Archers

FAN-DME3   12 x Knights   £4.95

FAN-DME3   12 x Knights

FAN-DME4   5-man Baron Group   £2.50

FAN-DME4   5-man Baron Group

FAN-DME5   5 x Wizard Priests   £1.65

FAN-DME5   5 x Wizard Priests

FAN-DME6   25 x Archers-at-Arms   £4.95

FAN-DME6   25 x Archers-at-Arms

FAN-DME7   25 x Crossbowmen   £4.95

FAN-DME7   25 x Crossbowmen

FAN-DME8   25 x Handgunners   £4.95

FAN-DME8   25 x Handgunners

FAN-DME9   25 x Foot Knights   £4.95

FAN-DME9   25 x Foot Knights

FAN-DME10   3 x Cannons with crew   £4.95

FAN-DME10   3 x Cannons with crew

FAN-DME11   2 x Dragons with Knights   £4.95

FAN-DME11   2 x Dragons with Knights

FAN-DME12   25 x Peasants   £4.95

FAN-DME12   25 x Peasants

(packs are £4.95 each, command/wizards are £1.65)

Army Pack: Contains 3 packs of Men-at-Arms and 1 pack each of Archers, Knights, Barons, Wizard Priests and Canons, plus 8 x MDF bases.  Priced at £30.00

Dark Elves

FAN-DEL1   25 x Warriors   £4.95

FAN-DEL1   25 x Warriors

FAN-DEL2   25 x Crossbowmen   £4.95

FAN-DEL2   25 x Crossbowmen

FAN-DEL3   12 x Raptor-Riders   £4.95

FAN-DEL3   12 x Raptor-Riders

FAN-DEL4   5-man Command Group   £1.65

FAN-DEL4   5-man Command Group

FAN-DEL5   5 x Warlocks   £1.65

FAN-DEL5   5 x Warlocks

FAN-DEL6   12 x Witches   £2.50

FAN-DEL6   12 x Witches

(packs are £4.95 each, command/warlocks are £1.65)

Army Pack: Contains 3 packs of Warriors, 2 packs of Witches and 1 pack each of Archers, Raptor-Riders, Chieftains and Warlocks, plus 8 x MDF bases.  Priced at £30.00

We're not quite done for 2016 yet, so keep an eye out for a few more releases coming on New Year's Eve!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Dec 28, 2016

Ferrets Released by Pendraken Miniatures

We moulded these earlier this month but didn't get chance to release them, so we've squeezed them in before the end of the year!  We've got 4 different types of Ferret here, suitable for a variety of conflicts from the 50's onwards.  There are a huge number of these still in service from Abu Dhabi to Zambia.

Modern Vehicles

MDV34    Ferret Mk 1, open top with MG    £2.80

MDV34    Ferret Mk 1, open top with MG

MDV35    Ferret Mk 1/2, with closed turret    £2.80

MDV35    Ferret Mk 1/2, with closed turret

MDV36    Ferret Mk 2/3, with .30 cal MG turret   £2.80

MDV36    Ferret Mk 2/3, with .30 cal MG turret

MDV37    Ferret Mk 2/6 'Vigilant', with guided missiles    £2.80

MDV37    Ferret Mk 2/6 'Vigilant', with guided missiles

MDV38    Ferret stowage frames (3)    £1.65

MDV38    Ferret stowage frames (3)

We'll have some Fantasy releases ready before the end of the year as well, so keep an eye out for those!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

T-35 Available & More! by Pendraken Miniatures

We hope everyone has had a good Christmas with a suitable pile of gaming goodies stacked under the tree!  We've got a few more presents ready for you here as well, with the T-35 heavy tank now available!  This 5-turreted beast was produced before the start of WWII and remained in service through until 1940.  During Operation Barbarossa, the vast majority of losses were down to mechanical breakdown of the vehicle, rather than any enemy action!  This is a huge model, coming with separate turrets and tracks as well, so we'll be looking forward to seeing some on the table!

Elsewhere, we've added some extra fuel tanks for your T-34's as well as general stowage.  These come in two varieties, the earlier square type and also the single drum used in the later war.

WWII Russian

SV75  Square fuel tanks for T-34's, early style (x10)   £1.65

SV75  Square fuel tanks for T-34's, early style (x10)

SV76  Single drum fuel tanks for T-34's (x10)   £1.65

SV76  Single drum fuel tanks for T-34's (x10)

SV77  T-35  £6.00

SV77  T-35

More releases to follow soon!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Dec 24, 2016

Ancient History Magazine 8, Jan-Feb 2017

Ancient History Magazine 8, Jan-Feb 2017

We've just sent the latest edition of Ancient History to the printer. In Issue 8, we take a look at food, drink and dining in the ancient world.

We cover topics including wine, bread and Rome's favorite stinky condiment, garum. The theme is also sprinkled with a sampling of Roman recipes, taken from Apicius and adapted for the modern cook, so you can taste a bit of ancient Rome at home.

Off-topic articles include the story of Diagoras of Melos, a primer on the Roman toga and a bit of background on the myth of Atalanta.

Food, drink and dining in the ancient world

The museum piece: Lauren van Zoonen, "The famous Venus of Milo - Contested beauty"

When Yorgos Kentrotas set out on 8 April 1820 to plough his field on the Greek island of Melos, he accidentally discovered a priceless statue. Known as the ‘Venus of Milo’ or ‘Aphrodite of Melos’, it is one of the most famous pieces of Greek art and gave rise to serious discussion among art historians of the nineteenth century.

Theme: Manon Henzen, "Food and Eating in the Ancient World - Eat, drink and be merry"

Even more so than today, food and eating were among the most important aspects of life in Antiquity. Rich or poor, in the city or in the countryside – a lot of time, effort and money was spent on food. It was not only a necessity, but also important in politics, in religion, for building social structure and, of course, for leisure.

Theme: Matthew Lloyd, "Intoxication in ancient Greece and Rome - The Gifts of DionysUs"

Wine was a staple of the Greek diet and had a prominent place in Greek social gatherings. It was through Greeks that many Mediterranean regions, including Italy, adopted wine as part of their culture. But ancient writers were not unaware of the intoxicating effects of wine and were ambivalent about its prominence.

Theme: Manon Henzen, "Marcus Gavius Apicius, De re coquinaria 2.1.7 - Cooking Apicius: Wine"

Wine was by far the most prestigious of drinks in Roman culture. It was drunk straight, mixed with water and flavoured with spices, herbs, fruits, and honey, such as the famous mulsum and conditum. But wine was also an important cooking ingredient and seasoning. It was used in sauces, stews, marinades, casseroles, and dressings for savoury and sweet dishes. Usually the wine or wine must was reduced to a syrupy sweet liquid that was called defrutum, sapa or caroenum dependent on the degree of reduction.

Theme: Owen Rees, "The best thing since sliced figs - Bread in the ancient world"

The ubiquity of bread comes from its purity and its simplicity. To make a ‘bread’ one needs only ground flour and a liquid. With these two simple ingredients, a life-fuelling staple can be created. The expansion of bread designs was determined by resources, tastes, and food culture, but ultimately all bread comes down to these two base ingredients.

Theme: Manon Henzen, "Marcus Gavius Apicius, De re coquinaria 6.2.20 - Cooking Apicius: olives"

Olives were a staple in ancient Greece and Rome. It is remarkable that there are almost no recipes using olives in Greek and Roman sources. Olive oil, on the other hand, is used generously in ancient cookery. It served several food purposes: it was used to marinade, to cook with, to dress vegetables and cooked food with, and in conserves.

Theme: Sarah Rijziger, "Food in Yemen before the coming of Islam - Bring with you a full sack of flour"

One of the most impressive feats of ancient engineering was the large dam at Marib in what is now called Yemen. It was repaired many times, and the builders left long inscriptions behind. These texts not only describe the repair works but also give us a detailed list of the food supplied to the workmen.

Wealthy Romans also enjoyed dining out of doors, as this fresco from Pompeii shows. Large and fancy villas might have a special, summer triclinium, which with walls or ceiling removed in order to take advantage of good weather.

Theme: Matthew Beazley, "Decadent dining while horizontal - A Roman feast"

Just as modern people have a passion for food and fine cuisine, so, too, did the ancient Romans. Although Romans of every level in society enjoyed food, the patricians and equites or ‘knights’ (the wealthy elite) took fine dining to new levels of lavishness.

Theme: Josho Brouwers, "The number: three - The mediterranean triad"

When it comes to food, the peoples of the ancient Mediterranean focused on three staples, referred to as the ‘Mediterranean triad’ by archaeologist: cereals, olives, and the vine. These three types of food formed the basis for most meals (and one type of drink) across all social classes in the ancient Mediterranean and much of the Near East. These three were, of course, supplemented by other types of food, such as vegetables, fruit, cheese, eggs, fish and – more rarely – meat.

Theme: Erich B. Anderson, "Garum, Rome's favourite condiment - Something fishy"

As the Romans expanded their territory to gradually conquer the entire Mediterranean Sea, they also took control over and greatly expanded upon an old industry that had previously been established by the Greeks and Carthaginians throughout the region: the production of garum. At first, the fermented fish sauce was a luxury only for wealthy aristocrats, but over time, garum became one of the most commonly used condiments for Romans of all classes. For centuries, the garum industry flourished within the Roman Empire as numerous factories from Gades in Spain to Leptis in North Africa and Clazomenae in Asia Minor exported the lucrative salt-fish product.

Theme: Manon Henzen, "Marcus Gavius Apicius, De re coquinaria 7.11.6 - Cooking Apicius: Grains"

Along with legumes, grains were the most important ingredients in ancient history. Their nutritional content is very high, and if you eat just a small bowl of puls (a grain stew) you feel well fed. Barley and wheat were staple foods. They were both grown in Italy during the Roman period. Barley was of distinctly lower status than wheat. It was the main food source for common people and for soldiers on a punishment ration. Barley was mostly used for making pancakes and cakes, because it does not rise well. Wheat was the preferred grain for raised breads. There was also durum wheat, which was mainly used for cakes and flat breads. In the northern provinces rye and spelt were the most common grains.

Theme: Josho Brouwers, "Suggested reading for this issue - Food for thought"

Hopefully, the articles in this issue of Ancient History magazine gave you a good idea about food, drink, and dining in the ancient world. The topics covered ranged from food in ancient Yemen to wine to Roman dinner habits and more. If you want to explore the subject beyond the confines of this issue, then this brief bibliographic essay will give you some tips.

Philosophy: Gert M. Knepper, "Was Diagoras from Melos a non-believer? - An atheist in Athens"

In his book What Are the Gods? (De natura deorum), Roman politician and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero records an anecdote about Diagoras the Atheist, who once visited a temple. A friend there tried to convert him by pointing at the large number of votive offerings donated by grateful shipwreck survivors: wasn’t that sure proof for the existence of the gods? To which Diagoras replied that he was looking in vain for the votive offerings of those who had drowned.

This fragment of a bronze relief dating from the reign of Nero depicts a pair of Roman men dressed in their togas.

Special: Danièle Cybulskie, "A time traveller’s guide to... - The toga"

Packing your bags for a trip to Ancient Rome in your time machine seems like simplicity itself: all you need is a good pair of sandals and a bedsheet, right? Think again. The Roman toga is a deceptively simple garment that actually contains a complex range of meanings that a Roman citizen will be able to decode in five seconds flat, giving away your status as an impostor. So, before you wrap yourself in your grandma’s favorite floral sheet, check out this handy guide to the Roman toga.

The list: Peter Konieczny, "Top Ten Strangest Deaths of Roman emperors"

Between 27 BC and AD 476, Rome was ruled by 77 emperors. For most of them it was not a long career: 33 of these emperors were murdered, while others died in battle, and several killed themselves. However, here are ten deaths that we think were a little more unusual.

The myth: Josho Brouwers, "A fearsome heroine for the ages - Atalanta"

Most famous Greek heroes are men: Theseus, Jason, and Heracles. But women figure prominently in Greek myths. Theseus would never have been able to defeat the Minotaur if it hadn’t been for Ariadne. Jason would never have acquired the Golden Fleece without Medea’s help. And Heracles’ adventures involving women are too numerous to summarize here. Actual female heroines, who hunted and fought alongside men, are exceedingly rare. The most famous of these is Atalanta.

Philosophy: Kees Alders, "An overview of Hellenistic philosophy - Adding it all up"

The conquests of Alexander the Great profoundly changed the Greek world. The old dichotomy between the independent Greek city-states and the eastern world empires ceased to be relevant. The common world view changed, and hence so did philosophy, as we have seen in our series on Hellenistic philosophy. What follows is an overview of what we have discussed.

Ancient History Magazine

Dec 23, 2016

December 2016, New Releases from Osprey Publishing Ltd

December 2016, New Releases from Osprey Publishing Ltd

Instrument of War

Instrument of War

Drawing on more than a half-century of research and teaching, Dennis Showalter presents a fresh perspective on the German Army during World War I. Showalter surveys an army at the heart of a national identity, driven by - yet also defeated by - warfare in the modern age, which struggled to capitalize on its victories and ultimately forgot the lessons of its defeat.

Exploring the internal dynamics of the German Army and detailing how the soldiers coped with the many new forms of warfare, Showalter shows how the army's institutions responded to and how Germany itself was changed by war. Detailing the major campaigns on the Western and Eastern fronts and the forgotten war fought in the Middle East and Africa, this comprehensive new volume reveals operational strategy, the complexities of campaigns of movement versus static trench warfare, and the changes in warfare.

No Victory in Valhalla

No Victory in Valhalla

The final volume of Gardner's critically acclaimed biography of the Third Battalion 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment - the sister company to the famed Band of Brothers - this book traces the battalion's actions in the frantic final days of the war in Europe. Exhausted and battered following the disastrous Market-Garden campaign, the 506th were due three months of R&R, but were rushed back in to halt the desperate German attack during the Battle of the Bulge.

When the offensive was finally halted after months of fighting the 506th pushed on into Germany where Ed Shames was the first Allied soldier to enter Dachau before the unit were sent to occupy Hitler's mountain retreat at Berchtesgaden. Based on extensive interviews and first-hand accounts, this volume relives the struggles of the paratroopers of the renowned 'Screaming Eagles' in some of the toughest fighting of World War II, bringing the story of their defiant unit to its conclusion.

Arctic Bf 109 and Bf 110 Aces

Arctic Bf 109 and Bf 110 Aces

Once Nazi Germany had conquered Norway in 1940, just a handful of Gruppen flying the Bf 109 and Bf 110 fighters were able to shatter all opposition and dominate the air in the Arctic Circle. Yet as the dual threats of the RAF and the Red Air Force grew, the Luftwaffe was forced to increase its fighter presence to full Geschwader strength with the formation of JG 5 Eismeer (Ice-sea) in early 1942.
The struggle for the frozen skies of the arctic raged on until the end of the war as the embattled JG 5 produced some of the Eastern Front's leading aces, pilots of the calibre of Theodor Weissenberger, Heinrich Ehrler, Walter Schuck, Franz Dörr and Jakob Norz all achieving over 100 kills. Featuring first-hand accounts from the pilots, extensive research from a leading authority on the Luftwaffe, and illustrations of the aircraft in unique winter camouflage, this book is a comprehensive guide to the Arctic Experten and the planes they flew.

MiG-17/19 Aces of the Vietnam War

MiG-17/19 Aces of the Vietnam War

At the beginning of the Vietnam War, the Vietnam People's Air Force (VPAF) were equipped with slow, old Korean War generation fighters - a combination of MiG-17s and MiG-19s - types that should have offered little opposition to the cutting-edge fighter-bombers such as the F-4 Phantom II, F-105 Thunderchief and the F-8 Crusader. Yet when the USAF and US Navy unleashed their aircraft on North Vietnam in 1965 the inexperienced pilots of the VPAF were able to shatter the illusion of US air superiority.

Taking advantage of their jet's unequalled low-speed maneuverability, small size and powerful cannon armament they were able to take the fight to their missile-guided opponents, with a number of Vietnamese pilots racking up ace scores. Packed with information previously unavailable in the west and only recently released from archives in Vietnam, this is the first major analysis of the exploits of Vietnamese pilots in the David and Goliath contest with the US over the skies of Vietnam.

Mitsubishi A6M Zero

Mitsubishi A6M Zero

Unquestionably the most iconic Japanese fighter of World War II, the Mitsubishi A6M Rei-Sen, Type Zero fighter was used from the initial raid on Pearl Harbor up to the Kamikaze attacks at the end of the war. Facing off against the likes of the Wildcat, Corsair and even the Spitfire, the Zero gained a legendary reputation amongst Allied pilots due to its incredible manoeuvrability. Detailed analysis of its technical qualities show why the Zero was so feared, but also pinpoints the weaknesses that would eventually be its downfall as Allied pilots learned how to combat it.

A selection of historical photographs and unique artwork accompany the analysis as James D'Angina delves into the history of the premier Axis fighter of the Pacific Theatre, exploring the design and combat effectiveness of the Zero as well as the tactics developed by Allied pilots to counter it.

Chosen Men

Chosen Men

Chosen Men is a set of fast-action skirmish rules detailing the bloody skirmishes between light troops in the Napoleonic Wars. The primary focus of the game is on soldiers and NCOs in light 'flank' companies, as they scout ahead of larger forces and take part in man-to-man actions against enemy skirmishers.

Although the game allows for the formation of accurately sized companies of light infantry and cavalry if you wish, these formations are broken down into small groups of up to a dozen men. For the most part, officers are not swashbuckling super-heroes, but staunch commanders who rally and direct their men to achieve the battlefield objectives. Although the game uses an alternating action turn sequence, officers can use their influence on multiple units at the same time in an effort to steal the initiative. With all rolls resolved using standard 6-sided dice, this game combines a classic wargaming feel with modern wargame mechanics.

Rogue Stars

Rogue Stars

Rogue Stars is a character-based science fiction skirmish wargame, where players command crews of bounty hunters, space pirates, merchants, prospectors, smugglers, mercenary outfits, planetary police and other such shady factions from the fringes of galactic civilisation. Crews can vary in size, typically from four to six, and the character and crew creation systems allow for practically any concept to be built. Detailed environmental rules that include options for flora, fauna, gravity, dangerous terrain and atmosphere, and scenario design rules that ensure that missions are varied and demand adaptation and cunning on the parts of the combatants, make practically any encounter possible. Run contraband tech to rebel fighters on an ocean world while hunted by an alien kill-team or hunt down a research vessel and fight zero-gravity boarding actions in the cold depths of space - whatever you can imagine, you can do.

Osprey Publishing Ltd

Wargames Illustrated 351, January 2017

Wargames Illustrated 351, January 2017

Our theme this month is Extreme Battlefields, and we have five articles that look at wargaming in extreme conditions. From the 50mph fog of the Aleutian Islands campaign in World War Two, and the Korean War Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, via making sewer systems, to Verdun in World War One – an article which looks at this spectacular model of Fort Vaux   a French stronghold which saw extreme action during a German assault of 1916.

Once again our all-seeing eye is cast upon the wealth of products coming the gamer’s way in the next few months.

Pete Brown takes a necessarily broad look at the world of warfare in extreme conditions, with some suggestions for environmental related rules.

Barry Hilton presents the final part of his guide to the Great Northern War, finishing with a guide to the miniatures available from a number of sources.

James Morris shares with us the creation of his award winning show game for 2016, the assault upon Fort Vaux during the Battle for Verdun, World War I.

It’s time to unleash the East German Volksarmee upon the fields of Central Europe, so the FoW team has created a brief guide to the latest supplement for Team Yankee.

Regular contributor Jim Graham discusses a relatively obscure part of World War Two where the elements had to be fought harder than the enemy.

A look at a piece of model making and Warband glory of the Norse-Gael variety, as created by John Stentz for the SAGA competition at Adepticon 2016.

Malc Johnston and David Tuck show us how to build the sort of underground battlefield where many would fear to tread.

Warwick Kinrade takes us through the creation of this new version of the Battlegroup rulebook and discusses his motivation behind writing this highly popular game.

Always ready to do more with less, the United States Marine Corps once again proved their worth during the Korean War, up against a relentless enemy and horrendous weather conditions.

Three experienced ‘conventioneers’ compare and contrast the fundamental aspects of three different shows, one each from the USA, Australia and the UK.

Taken from the upcoming second Army List supplement, Gripping Beast have provided us with two lists that won’t be available in the book until Spring 2017.

Mark Latham discusses his latest work from Osprey Games, a set of Napoleonic era skirmish rules designed to reflect both historical reality and ‘Hollywood’ flair.

Henry Hyde is back, this time casting his eye upon those for whom no ruleset is ever ‘just right’ and who are born to adapt what they have bought until happy.

Your handy resource for a quick re-cap of the origins of almost every miniature featured in the magazine this month.

Wargames Illustrated

12 Day Of Christmas 12 by Hawk Wargames

12 Day Of Christmas 12 by Hawk Wargames

For the Twelfth Day of our 12 days of preview, we have our sixth Dropzone Commander Preview - a Shaltari Famous Commander.


Dec 22, 2016

12 Day Of Christmas 11 by Hawk Wargames

12 Day Of Christmas 11 by Hawk Wargames

For the Eleventh Day of our 12 days of preview we have our fifth Dropfleet Commander Preview - the PHR Corvette.


Dec 21, 2016

12 Day Of Christmas 10 by Hawk Wargames

12 Day Of Christmas 10 by Hawk Wargames

For the Tenth Day of our 12 days of preview we have our fifth Dropzone Commander preview - A Scourge Famous Commander.


Slingshot 309

Slingshot 309

Slingshot 309 is at the printers and will appear shortly. Contents include:

On the Ground at Arsuf – Part 2 by Nick Harbud
The Eagle’s Prey: Caractacus by Gordon Lawrence
Rein-Force (Rein-Bow Warriors) by Ian Russell Lowell
Of Games & Chariots by Peter Barham
A Fatal and Fateful Day by Chris Hahn
Pharsalus with Lap of the Gods by David Edwards
Rome Confronting Pyrrhus by Periklis Deligiannis
Simple Campaigning - Hellenistic Empires by John Graham Leigh

The editor is always looking for more articles, photographs and art, so feel free to contact him if you have an idea you would like to pursue.


Dec 20, 2016

New 10mm Napoleonic Prussians by Lancer Miniatures

New 10mm Napoleonic Prussians early war figures, ideal for Jena, Auerstaedt

4x Prussian Hussar

Prussian grenadiers x30

Prussian grenadiers x30

Prussian hussar command

Prussian hussar command

Prussian line command 1 drum 1 officer 2 standard

Prussian line command 1 drum 1 officer 2 standard

Prussian line x30

Prussian line x30

Lancer Miniatures

Cold War 84 by Timecast

Cold War 84 by Timecast

For almost 50 years the armies of NATO and the Warsaw Pact  faced each other across the Inner German Border before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.

This range will cover the armies of NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the mid-1980's. This period saw the introduction of state of the art weapons, vehicles and technology which would soon dominate the modern battlefield, while the bulk of the equipment  comprised older tried and tested designs dating back to the 1960's and 70's.

The  vehicles are designed to 1/144 scale, and are fully compatible with our range of 10mm buildings and scenics.

The first release is the Soviet T-64B tank. The T-64B was the mainstay of the Soviet Tank Regiments in GSFG by 1984.


More details will be released in the New Year


12 Day Of Christmas 9 by Hawk Wargames

12 Day Of Christmas 9 by Hawk Wargames

For the Ninth Day of our 12 days of preview. We wanted to preview some of the artwork that our team are working on.


Dec 19, 2016

12 Day Of Christmas 8 by Hawk Wargames

12 Day Of Christmas 8 by Hawk Wargames

For the Eighth Day of our 12 days of preview. Our fourth Dropzone Commander preview - Another Fauna as identified in Reconquest: Phase 2.


Dec 18, 2016

12 Day Of Christmas 7 by Hawk Wargames

12 Day Of Christmas 7 by Hawk Wargames

For the Seventh Day of our 12 days of preview. Our fourth Dropfleet Commander preview - the UCM Corvette.

Also, don't forget to book your tickets for the Dropzone Commander 2 Day Tournament - Invasion 28th/29th January 2017.
