
Dec 21, 2016

Slingshot 309

Slingshot 309

Slingshot 309 is at the printers and will appear shortly. Contents include:

On the Ground at Arsuf – Part 2 by Nick Harbud
The Eagle’s Prey: Caractacus by Gordon Lawrence
Rein-Force (Rein-Bow Warriors) by Ian Russell Lowell
Of Games & Chariots by Peter Barham
A Fatal and Fateful Day by Chris Hahn
Pharsalus with Lap of the Gods by David Edwards
Rome Confronting Pyrrhus by Periklis Deligiannis
Simple Campaigning - Hellenistic Empires by John Graham Leigh

The editor is always looking for more articles, photographs and art, so feel free to contact him if you have an idea you would like to pursue.


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