
Dec 5, 2016

Miniature Modelling Competition

Miniature Modelling Competition

Over the years, we've heard how much our books and their artwork inspire you to create and paint models and figures, so this month, we'd like to invite you to submit a photograph of your best work to our judging panel at Osprey to be in with a chance of winning a selection of new books.

The theme for the month is World War II, so from now until the 31st December, select a photo of a model/figure that you have painted that fits the theme, tell us which Osprey book/artwork inspired it, and send it to competition@ospreypublishing.com.

Our favorite submission will receive a selection of new releases, and will also have their photograph featured across our website and social media for the world to admire.

Get Snapping & Good Luck!

Osprey Publishing Ltd

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