
Nov 3, 2016

ACW Ironclads by Pithead Miniatures

Spithead miniatures have produced 3 new Confederate Civil War ship sets and we are looking for your support to put them into production . If you are interested in supporting any of these sets then please go to our website and contact us via our Email address .

Mobile Bay

Mobile Bay

This set comprises of the Ironclad CSS Tennessee, and the Gunboats Selma, Gaines and Morgan . Illustrated below are prototypes for the Confederate Mobile Bay set . This is a start up project , it is proposed that Spithead will put this set of models into production subject to the support of 12 customers. If you would like this set then please contact us and we will register your interest.

Lake Ponchartrain Naval Flotilla

Lake Ponchartrain Naval Flotilla

This set consists of prototype models of gunboats CSS Bienville , CSS Carondelet, CSS Oregon and CSS Pamlico that made up the Confederate naval force defending Lake Ponchartrain and the Mississippi coast from Union naval and landing forces . This is currently a start up project subject to support of 12 people . If you wish obtain a set of these models then please contact us and we will register your support . Note , a set of suitable Union warships models listed below will be produced to oppose this flotilla . In April of 1862, there was a sharp action that culminated in the "Battle of Pass Christian." After a Union transport came under fire at Pass Christian Mississippi General Butler sent the gun boats USS New London and USS John P Jackson and paddle sloop USS Hatteras and a troop transport on a punitive expedition to the nearby town of Biloxi . During the night Confederate naval and army forces were galvanized for defence. Confederate gunboats CSS Carondelet , CSS Oregon and CSS Pamlico quietly sailed in among the anchored Union vessels, and at an hour before dawn, they opened fire. For two hours, the ships blazed away at one another. Having been bested in the fight the Confederates disengaged and steamed away to the west where their shallow draft allowed them to retire unmolested . On this occasion the Confederate intervention did not prove strong enough to prevent the landing of Union troops who later occupied the town , however had circumstances allowed the fourth gunboat the CSS Bienville to have been included in the flotilla then it might have tipped the balance in the Confederates favour

Mississippi Naval Forces

Mississippi Naval Forces

This prototype model set is comprised of the Ironclad CSS Arkansas , and the gunboats CSS Webb , CSS Tuscarora, CSS Calhoun and CSS James L Day. Unlike the previous sets this is not intended to represent a composite force but it will provide additional useful vessels for naval scenarios such as the "First contact Mississippi 1861" " Head of the Passes" or "Vicksburg". This is currently a start up project subject to support of 12 people . If you wish obtain a set of these models then please contact us and we will register your support . On October 14th 1861 a Mosquito fleet under Commodore Hollins set out to attack a small part of the Federal fleet as they crossed the bar at the mouth of the Mississippi . The Confederate fleet consisted of the ram CSS Manassas gunboats , CSS Calhoun*, CSS Tuscarora*, CSS James L Day *, CSS Ivy, CSS Jackson, and the sloop CSS McRae. The plan was to attack the Federals with long range gunfire then close with fire rafts and ram a suitable target with the Ironclad Manassas.

New Orleans Defence Fleet

New Orleans Defence Fleet

Eight steamers were fitted out in New Orleans to defend the the lower Mississippi from the Union navy attempting to force their way past Forts St Philip and Fort Jackson at the mouth of the Mississippi . The ships, a mixed bag of coastal steamers and river towboats had their bows strengthened and their boilers protected with railroad iron , heavy timbers and cotton packing. The fleet consisted of :- Governor Moore & General Quitman of the Louisiana State Navy and Stonewall Jackson , Warrior , Defiance , Resolute, General Breckenridge & General Lovell of the River defence fleet. Spithead Miniatures in cooperation with Kaz have researched these vessels and using the best information available . This set of models contains nearly 50 resin and small metal parts so will require a degree of modelling skill and a few precision tools to assemble correctly.

Pithead Miniatures

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