
Oct 19, 2016

New Pledge Levels from Black Gate Miniatures

People have been asking for new Pledge Levels above and below what was available, to help cater for two different kinds of backer.

The first is the Greenling level. Pledge £1 or more. For those people who want to help the project succeed but don't want any Ogres themselves.

The second, which is aimed at people using the Kickstarter phone app, and they asked for a bigger basic pledge level. So for them we have the God of War level @ £120. It is identical to the King of the North level but contains sixteen (16) unit instead of 12.

Finally, we are close to the hump in the road that is £2000 and the Armoured Ogre Warrior unlock. When we get past that magical figure, I feel sure we will move on upwards at a faster rate due to the better variety of units on offer and people increasing their pledges.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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