
Oct 5, 2016

Funded In 2 Days! The Ogre Warriors Are Coming from Black Gate Miniatures

I am delighted to be able to announce that Black Gate Miniatures first product line has funded!

Thanks to each and every person who has pledged to make this dream a reality.

Now I need to convince enough people in the next 27 days to back this project to release not only the Armoured Warriors but the Cannoneer, Chieftain and Mammoth Riders.That means we need to get to £4,000, it sounds like a lot, but it would only take another 50 people pledging £60 each.

I will do everything in my power to spread the world and am working on sending out marketing packs and contacting gaming media outlets, as well as working forums and Facebook etc. But I need your help. Everyone who has backed the project will get a better range of product the further up the Stretch Goals we manage to get. It really is what Kickstarter was designed for. We all win if we can get more people involved in the pledging. So please help spread the word!

I will look at creating some fun add-ons next. Maybe dice. People seem to love dice.

Anyway, we are halfway through day 3 and I can tell you it is a little tiring running a Kickstarter, I can't believe it is only Wednesday.

Thanks again for getting us to funded so quickly.


Black Gate Miniatures

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