
Sep 27, 2016

Talon Games CAV: Strike Operations II

Talon Games CAV: Strike Operations II

Talon Games CAV: Strike Operations II is a project to continue the expansion of the CAV line of high-quality plastic gaming miniatures.

CAV: Strike Operations is an all-new edition of the classic mecha miniatures game by Reaper Miniatures for two or more players, developed and released by Talon Games. No game would be complete without miniatures and with your help we can build on the models we were able to produce with our first successful Kickstarter. Our high-quality Bones TM plastic miniatures feature exceptional detail and provide an economical solution for new and existing players in a wide variety of model types. With the release of the Terran and Rach behind us, what better factions than the Adonese and Ritterlich to kick off our new KS! So join the battle as two of the galaxy’s heavyweights face off for the initial salvo of the First Galactic War!

Thanks to you our last Kickstarter was a great success! We added over 40 new models to the CAV:SO Bones Miniatures line and we don't want to stop there. You have asked for more models and we aim to deliver! We have a lot of old and new designs to add and the molds are really expensive to produce. Your support makes these molds possible and in return you get first crack at these figures for a fantastic deal!

We’ve learned a lot since we fulfilled our first project, so you won’t find as many pledge levels. You won't find as many confusing options. Turns out that most of you just wanted the core set with the potential to expand over time. What this Kickstarter will do is add 16 more models: CAVs, vehicles, and aircraft. After we hit our goal, we have plans to make the value of your pledge grow. All we need is your support.

For those of you that haven’t heard (cue glorious background music), Bones are only the best high-quality plastic gaming models to hit the industry...ever (end music)! The CAV: SO line of figures will use the same plastic as Bones fantasy figures but be cast in a medium gray color. The CAV figures will also include a black plastic hex base for each figure as well.

Click on image for 360 view

Click on image for 360 view

Click on image for 360 view

Click on image for 360 view

The independent system of New Vesta is a major agricultural world with protectorate status with the Adon Economic Confederation located rimward of the capital system. Settled in 2025 by House Ves’Tal, a wealthy family from the Heimdall region of Adon, the temperate world was well suited for the large farming collectives established by the initial settlers.

With the end of the Perrini Wars in 2065, the planet saw a major influx of Hakir refugees looking to escape the devastation of their home nation on Adon. A large contingent of Ritter expatriates has also settled on New Vesta seeking a life outside the more stringent governmental controls of their home systems. Most of these refugees and migrants became tenant farmers for the collectives, working the land for their Heimdallion landlords, themselves “employees” of the Ves’Tal family. This system of ownership and government has continued for over two hundred years but not without resentment. Frequent abuse by their landlords has led to many questioning this two-tier system of citizenship.

Over the last decade, this discontent has led to protests and the occasional riot, ruthlessly crushed by the Koevolt, a militarized police force controlled by the Ves’Tals. With the assassination of a popular labor leader in 2270, many who suspect was orchestrated by the Koevolt, open revolt soon followed with the killing of several landlords and their families as well as the destruction of over a dozen collectives under the name of the Kurmala Justice League (KJL). Mercenaries were brought in (including Ophelia’s Orphans, McGregor’s Armored Calvary, and The Wild Ones) to help quell the uprisings and protect the collectives further out from the planet’s capital city.

With the power and wealth of the Ves’Tals on Adon and the importance of their exports from New Vesta, the AEC have allowed the events on New Vesla to unfold without any interference on their part. The current deployment of Regiment 14 “Iron Wood” in 2273 to New Vesta was done more to deal with pirate activity in the surrounding systems, its commander ordered to remain out of the local “disturbances”.

The Ritterlich, along with the Almirithil, have chosen to intercede on New Vesta, claiming there is no legitimate authority left on the planet, putting the ethnic-Ritter and Hakir under immediate threat and creating a responsibility on their part to defend their “compatriots."

A current CAV:SO Data Card!

The CAV: Strike Operations Quick-Start Rules provide an overview of the game rules, allowing you to jump right into the action. While these rules are only a selection of the total rule set, they are an easy way to help you learn the basic concepts involved while playing your first game. Centered around the Dictator CAV, players will each play one of the feared Rach Empire machines as they pilot it into combat! Model cut-outs and data cards are included for play.

Links to CAV:SO Backer Generated Content
CAVSO KS2 Model-Faction-Task Distribution Worksheet (by Paul Unger)

CAV Scale Reference Gallery (by Major Girot)

Risks and challenges

What are the risks and challenges for completing your project and how are you qualified to handle them should they arise?

For this project, the risks and challenges fall into one of three categories:

[1] Non-Completion 
[2] Delays in meeting the estimated delivery dates. 
[3] Not producing or changing a specific model.

Having already completed a pretty successful kickstarter, we are fully aware of the pitfalls that could happen. The loss of a shipment from the factory (due to an act of God, pirates, or even war) or a disaster at our warehouse (fire, flood, etc.) would be catastrophic, however we are fully insured for just such an occurance(s).

Such an event as described above would certainly cause a delay to our promised delivery. During our last kickstarter we learned a lot about the speed-bumps a project like ours can generate, but our experience and training will help us mitigate and work through any future delays.

Not Producing some Models: 
Finally there is a risk we may not produce a specific model due to lack of interest by backers. In the event this should happen, we will notify our backers and issue a credit or refund depending on each backer's desire for the pledge amount for that model.

Please Note: We reserve the right to modify pieces shown to meet production requirements.

In summary, we have the ability to work through just about any problem and we will do our best to make this an exciting and fun project for all!

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