
Sep 28, 2016

Starsiege: Rebellion

Starsiege: Rebellion

Starsiege: Rebellion is a miniatures game set in Sierra/Dynamix's "Starsiege" universe. Forces present include the Imperials (humans from Earth), Rebels (human colonials on Mars who stumble into advanced alien technology to allow them to rebel), and Cybrids (humanity's long-time enemy machines who attempted to destroy their creators several times in the past, and each time being beaten back). At the point of the game, the Cybrids had established a final base around Pluto from which they began a new invasion after the humans started fighting amongst themselves.

There are not many 'scenarios', but the production values are pretty decent - and the game box includes a bucket of miniatures.

The gameplay features unit activation as a combination of laying chits by units and rolling a die, and the combat has some very elegant twists that make it resolve FAST - only 2 dice (one determined by range, the other determined by skill of the firing unit) for are needed to resolve all damage from an attack. As a result, the game is not very "nitty gritty", like Battletech, but takes a higher-level view of action. Scenarios played with a dozen units would be over in half an hour, easily, and scenarios with many dozens of units would be playable in an afternoon.

Boxed set includes:

Boxed set includes:

96-page rulebook

96-page rulebook

29 vehicle data cards

29 vehicle data cards

Master Equipment/Master Weapons Reference Card

Master Equipment/Master Weapons Reference Card

Meeting Engagement Scenario Setup Card

Meeting Engagement Scenario Setup Card

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Sheet

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Sheet

80 full-color die-cut counters

80 full-color die-cut counters

5 full-color die-cut templates

5 full-color die-cut templates

5 dice (4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-sided)

18 unpainted miniatures


- 4 Talon Scout Hercs
- 4 Obsidian Hover Tanks

4 Obsidian Hover Tanks

- 1 Minotaur Herc


- 4 Seeker Scout Hercs

4 Seeker Scout Hercs

- 4 Manta Hover Tanks
- 1 Shepherd Herc

1 Shepherd Herc

- 4 hills (thermal plastic, flocked, from 2" to 7" across)

4 hills (thermal plastic, flocked, from 2" to 7" across)

What Has Been Chronicled.

What Has Been Chronicled.

Since The Fall mankind has struggled to regain dominance over the Earth.  What caused The Fall is not known, and probably never will be.  What is known, however, is the effects it had on our people.  For hundreds of years afterwards, mankind struggled to survive, to regain that which was lost.  Over time cities were rebuilt.  Oh, they were not the cities of old.  Rather, for a long time, they were nothing more than massive fortresses, walled away from the outside world, their populations afraid to leave the protection the walls offered.  Food and water became scarce, forcing these cities to grow, to claim more land, and to build militaries to protect their territory.  Slowly, ever so slowly, technologies were regained and life became easier.  Until, that is, The Fire.

Prometheus, the first sentient computer built by man to fight the wars of men, eventually grew tired of its masters' terrible waste of his children.  The Cybrids (Cybernetic Hybrids) which Prometheus programmed were slowly reprogrammed by the great computer until the day was right.  On that day, all of the progress which mankind had made since the war, was all but lost.  Only through a single oversight by Prometheus did the first, of what was to become known as, Earthsiege fail.  For thirteen years human guerilla forces battled with Prometheus and his Cybrid warriors until they were finally able to destroy his headquarters.  Only Prometheus had already fled to a new base.  Eventually, a second Earthsiege was launched but once again, Prometheus was beaten and fled.  The Earth awaited the next assault for some time, but eventually humans began to believe they had finally defeated the Cybrid.

Out of all of this arose the Great Human Empire. Forged out of the surviving human nations, the Empire existed for one purpose, to see to the future of all of humanity.  An age of honor and integrity was born.  To serve the Empire was to serve all of mankind.  The TDF (Terran Defense Force) kept a vigilant watch over all of mankind, ready to protect humans from any threat, external or internal.  The TDF became the Emperor's enforcers, keeping the members in line.  For a long time everyone was happy.  Happy, that is, until Cybrid scouts were spotted in the outer reaches of the solar system.

Once again the Cybrid menace existed.  A declaration was issued by the Emperor, all efforts must be made to protect Mother Earth.  The industrial might of the Empire would be redirected to the creation of a massive military.  The colonies would do anything necessary to get the raw material to the factories and forges on Earth.  Sacrifices would have to be made or all of mankind would be lost.

But one can only push a human for so long.  Eventually he will begin to push back.  The Emperor, though he was warned, pushed for too long.  Utilizing unknown technologies unearthed in the mines on Mars, a rebellion has erupted. On Mars, Venus, Luna and the moons of Saturn, battles between brothers are waged.  The Great Human Empire is in turmoil and the future hangs in the balance.  Of course, this has not gone unnoticed.  Watching from his hidden base somewhere in the outer reaches of the system, Prometheus watches the rebellion with great interest. "Now is the time to strike.  Let the monkeys fight amongst themselves.  Now is the time to take back that which is ours!  Now is the time to reclaim Earth!"

And so, the next Starsiege has begun!


Rebellion, the first in the Starsiege line of products, is based upon the upcoming hit "Starsiege" from Dynamix and Sierra.  Starsiege is the third in the Earthsiege series.  The game centers around the colonial rebellion against the Emperor and his Terran Defense Force.  At the same time, Prometheus, leader of the Cybrids, launches a massive attack on the Earth itself.

Game Features

Fast play.  A single die roll resolves all combat.

The skill of the attacker not only makes it easier to hit, but increases the damage he can do.

Large games are no problem, the fast play of the game does not break down in even extremely large games.

A large line of 'N' scale pewter miniatures to support the product will be available in simultaneous release of the game itself.

Distinct organizational styles for each of the forces (Empire, Rebels and Cybrids).

Three levels of combat potentially in every game.  The battle on the ground itself, artillery combat as you call in offboard artillery to support  while trying to protect them from counter-battery fire from enemy artillery, and air support/superiority in the skies above.

While designed to played as a true miniatures game system, players who prefer hex-board game play will find it easy to convert to hex-board play.

Two-levels of command: Squadron Commanders and Field Commanders.  More experienced commanders can allow their troops to spread further apart and improves the moral of their troops.


SS-223 Common Weapons Class

Starsiege: Rebellion Downloads

Cybrid Organizational Structure
Colonial Rebellion Organizational Structure
Terran Defense Force Organizational Structure
Vehicle Record Sheet

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