
Aug 25, 2016

Summer Sale - 30% off Books and eBooks, New Releases and Preorders plus News from the Osprey Games Team!

Summer Sale - 30% off Books and eBooks, New Releases and Preorders plus News from the Osprey Games Team!

August has been a busy month for us, with half the team heading off to the US for GenCon, leaving the rest of us here in Oxford to hold the fort. Thanks to everyone who came to say hello to us in Indianopolis, we hope you had as much fun as we did!

We've got some great new releases to show off but first some news that will interest the wargamers amongst you. We're currently running our Summer Sale, with 30% off books and eBooks. New releases and preorders are excluded, but it does mean that you can get some great deals on Bolt Action, our Osprey Wargames series and the award winning Frostgrave rules.

New Releases

Bolt Action: Konflikt '47

Bolt Action: Konflikt '47

Fully compatible with the incredibly popular Bolt Action rules, Konflikt ’47 takes the war to a completely new level. Rifts torn in the fabric of space have brought huge technological advances, and this ruleset gives players everything they need to field forces incorporating the incredible new weapons and technologies as they engage in tabletop battles for supremacy and survival.

Broken Legions

Broken Legions

Broken Legions is a set of fantasy skirmish rules for a war unknown to history, fought in the shadows of the Roman Empire. Various factions recruit small warbands to fight in tight, scenario-driven battles that could secure the mystical power to defend - or crush - Rome. A points system allows factions to easily build a warband, and mercenaries and free agents may also be hired to bolster a force. Heroes and leaders may possess a range of skills, traits and magical abilities, but a henchman's blade can be just as sharp, and a campaign can see even the lowliest henchman become a hero of renown.

Available to Preorder

Colditz Castle - World War II.

Colditz Castle - World War II.

An impregnable fortress. An inescapable prison. Until now.
Designed by Major Pat Reid, one of only a handful of prisoners-of-war to escape Colditz Castle, and screenwriter Brian Degas, Escape From Colditz is the iconic game of careful planning and nerves of steel.

Become Allied escape officers - assemble your equipment, plot your escape routes, and coordinate your efforts to avoid the guards. Become the German security officer - maintain control through guile, ruthlessness, and careful observation despite limited numbers.

This deluxe edition of the classic game for 2 to 6 players includes both original and updated rules, new hand-painted artwork, an oversized board, 56 wooden playing pieces, 100 fully illustrated cards, a 32-page history book, and unique replicas of artefacts from the prison.

Seventy-five years ago, Major Reid braved barbed wire, searchlights, and armed guards to Escape from Colditz. Now it's your turn to do the same.

Frostgrave: Forgotten Pacts

Frostgrave: Forgotten Pacts

In this supplement for Frostgrave, players lead their warbands into the northern reaches of the city, exploring the ruined temples of the Frozen City to search for the lost secrets of evocation - the art of summoning demons. While the lure of such knowledge is great, few wizards have ventured into this region as it is overrun by barbaric northern tribesmen who have descended from the hills in their own search for treasure. Marking themselves with demonic sigils, many of these barbarians have aligned with ancient powers discovered amongst the temples. Along with a host of new scenarios focusing on the exploration of the temples, the book also contains new treasures, spells, soldiers, and creatures that can be found amongst the ruins.

Bolt Action: Armies of Germany 2nd Edition

Bolt Action: Armies of Germany 2nd Edition

Revised and expanded for Bolt Action 2nd Edition, this book provides players with all of the information they need to command Germany's military might. Detailed unit options and theatre selectors allow players to build armies for any of Germany's campaigns, from the Blitzkrieg against Poland and France, through North Africa and the Eastern Front, to the fall of Normandy and the defence of Germany.

Osprey Publishing Ltd

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