
Aug 30, 2016

Slingshot 307

Slingshot 307

Slingshot 307 is currently being printed and should be out by the end of June. Contents include:

Table of contents:

• Arming the Slaves, by Richard Andrews
• It's a Long Way to Tibareni (4), by Alastair McBeath
• The ‘Drunken One' at Campaign 2016, by Steve Rathgay
• Actium Naval Rules, by Harry Ryder
• Pharsalus Battle Day Reports

Pharsalus in Japan, by Aaron Bell
Pharsalus with ‘To The Strongest!', by Paul Innes
Pharsalus using ‘Scutarii', by Bill Butler

• Hannibal Triumphs! – ‘Morten et Glorium', by Richard Jeffrey-Cook
• Another Consideration of Chaeronea, by Chris Hahn

The editor is always looking for more articles, photographs and art, so feel free to contact him if you have an idea you would like to pursue.


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