
Jul 8, 2016

Pithead Miniatures, Releases New Models

Pithead Miniatures, Releases New Models

GV194 Saurer Sdkfz 254

GV194 Saurer Sdkfz 254

The Saurer Sdkfz 254 wheel cum track vehicle was a fascinating Austrian designed armoured artillery observation vehicle that could be driven on wheels or on tracks. Between 128 and 140 of these vehicles were employed from late 1940 onwards. Vehicles have been positively identified serving with the 7th, 11th , 14th and 15th (Afrika Korps) Panzer divisions but due to the numbers produced they must have seen service in other divisions as well .

Sdkfz 232 (8-Rad)

Sdkfz 232 (8-Rad)

Sdkfz 232 8 wheel armoured car with turret and bedstead aerial used by armoured reconnaissance units for radio communications. This model was made as a commission for one of our customers. We considered that making bedstead aerials was pushing the boundaries of what was feasible in this scale at the time but went ahead anyway.

GV190 Sdkfz 247

GV190 Sdkfz 247

Sdkfz 247 armoured staff car , used in the early war period by senior German officers to observe the fighting closer up than was possible in an un-armoured staff car . Made in 6 and 4 wheel versions in limited numbers at the start of the war.

 FV39 Renault ZT3

FV39 Renault ZT3

Renault ZT3 was a tank destroyer with the same 25 mm gun in a superstructure on the hull. The development of the ZT 3 took place parallel to that of the ZT 2: a first plan in June 1935, followed by a request to Renault to produce a prototype on 12 December 1935. However, given the absence of a turret there was no need to wait for its development: Renault was instructed to quickly construct a first vehicle by adding a boiler plate superstructure to the old third AMR 35 prototype, and then sent it to Rueil where a gun could be built in and a cast commander cupola fitted. By 2 September 1939 all GRDIs had attained their organic ZT 3 strength.

 Fallschirmjäger Motorcycles

Fallschirmjäger Motorcycles

German airborne forces landed motorcycles in Junkers 52 transport aircraft during the Crete campaign  for liaison work and reconnaissance.

 North Korean Infantry

North Korean Infantry

North Korean infantry outnumbered the South Korean forces who they pushed south to a perimeter around Pusan where they were stopped allowing American forces to build up and eventually threaten to cut them off after the Inchon landing in the north. The army was equipped with Soviet weapons and wore distinctive caps similar to those worn by the South Korean forces.

 British Support Weapons

British Support Weapons

 Chinese Support Weapons

Chinese Support Weapons

 North Korean Support Weapons

North Korean Support Weapons

To accompany the infantry sets produced by Pithead for the Korean conflict are support weapons sets for each combatant nation, North Korean, Chinese and British.

Pithead Miniatures

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