
Jul 4, 2016

British Tank Crew by Pendraken Miniatures

We'd had a surprising number of requests for these, so here they are.  Three battle weary British tankers taking a well-earned break for a quick brew!  Complete with a small ammo box to serve as their table, these will look great in some mini diorama style bases.

While we're working on WWII, we've got the missing Polish mortars moulded as well, so the wz.36 46mm mortars are now available as well.

WWII British

BR180 - Dismounted tank crews, drinking tea!  £1.00

BR180 - Dismounted tank crews, drinking tea!


POL12 - wz.36 46mm mortar team (5)   £1.65

POL12 - wz.36 46mm mortar team (5)

Pendraken Miniatures

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