
May 24, 2016

Dropfleet Commander Previews

Dropfleet Commander Previews

A happy Saturday from here in a cloudy but bright South London!

We are happy to be able to show off a few more sprues.

The UCM:

UCM Frigate Sprue

UCM Frigate Sprue

UCM Cruiser Sprue

UCM Cruiser Sprue

We are really excited about being able to get these together into the sets and start getting backing rewards out to everyone who backed this Kickstarter.

We have been hard at work recruiting some great people and our first staff member is now two weeks into his role. We are doing our best still to ensure that every issue with the pledge manager and other backing enquiries are resolved as quickly as possible. We are grateful for your patience as we both grow our team to ensure these issues are resolved faster, but also for the time that it has taken for some of us to get back to you. Thank you for your continued support and faith in us.

From a Dropzone Commander and general Universe point of view, we will soon be releasing Dropzone Commander Reconquest: Phase 2. We are really excited about this also, as it contains many of the recent releases, along with a few upcoming releases. Keep an eye out on our social media for this!

On the 3rd (to the 5th) of June we will be at UK Games Expo (in Birmingham, UK), where we will have some of our first public demos of Dropfleet Commander, along with demos of Dropzone Commander too. We will also have a whole range of the miniatures there.

Then on the 16th (to the19th) of June we will be at Origins (in Columbus, Ohio, USA), where again we will have a whole range of models and be doing some more demos of Dropfleet Commander! Make sure if you are keen, that you come along to get a game in at one of these events!

We look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it, over the next few months!

Another update will be on its way soon...

The Hawk Wargames Team


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