
Mar 24, 2016

Statistics Achieve Planetfall

Statistics Achieve Planetfall

With the release of Firestorm: Planetfall around 18 months ago, the game has grown steadily to become a massive and engrossing strategic battle game. From the humble beginnings of a single Core Helix and an Allied Helix for each Faction at time of release, the game has now added Heavy Armour Helixes, Recon Helixes, 2 different types of Aerial Helix, Leviathan Helixes, Field Command Helixes and of course our latest exciting release – the Assault Helix (which is packed with loads of devastating robot goodness!).

The Order of Battles (ORBATS) for every model in the game are currently in the Downloads Section, with everything consolidated into a single document. These documents mark many months of testing, and we are looking forward to players around the world using them.

You can find the PDFs on the Spartan Games Downloads Page

In the coming weeks we will be releasing a new Background Document for each Race that highlights each model/element within the Planetfall game, along with operational and strategic background on the formation and battle tactics of each within the game. In addition, each of these Background Documents will have a narrative scenario that is bespoke to their Faction to give players a launch point for thematic games.

And as if that were not enough, we are just about to release a Tournament Pack for Planetfall to open up the game to the competitive gaming sphere, with the scenarios having been tested by the Planetfall Beta Team. If any of you have seen the Halo: Fleet Battles Tournament Pack, expect much the same… yes… it will be awesome!

Of course, this rapacious release schedule has only been possible with the intensive testing and feedback of our Beta Team, who have given of their time and expertise to help develop and build the game into the unqualified success it is today. So to our Beta Crew we say a hearty THANK YOU!

To be a Beta Tester, you gotta be a Fan!… and be willing to play loads of games!… write down feedback… take pictures… report back to the rest of the team… then start the process all over again when the model stats change. It’s not as glamorous as it sounds: it’s actually a lot of hard work, and those folks who are part of the Beta Test deserve great credit for their diligence (and fanaticism!).

If you think you have what it takes to join their ranks, come find me on the Spartan Games Forum and you never know… you may just be crazy enough to join the ranks!

With all 6 surrounding Helixes now in-play for the game, what next for the game of Planetfall?

Firstly, the Alliance Factions will be getting their own Core Helixes, which is a most exciting step forward. We will roll these out in pairs, one from each Alliance, and we’ll be showing you some new Alliance models not long after the Salute 2016 wargames show. We have created a linked campaign in the works that will bring all aspects of the Firestorm Galaxy together for narrative games, leading to a climax that will actually have an impact on the background of the entire Firestorm Galaxy.

There are two new Factions for the game incoming to the Galaxy (we’ll be lifting the lid on these for Firestorm Armada, Taskforce and Planetfall players shortly) and the Beta Team and I are pulling together the updated version of the rules – Planetfall 2.0. We’re hugely excited by Version 2.0, and we look forward to talking to you more about the book as it develops.

The future is looking very rosy indeed for Planetfall, with loads of exciting releases, fantastic background, engrossing scenarios and…. did I mention the 2.0 rules?…. yes… I thought I did!

Looking forward to you all joining us as we rage ground war across the Firestorm Galaxy!

Cheers for now,

Spartan Derek

Spartan Games

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