
Mar 28, 2016

Slingshot 305

Slingshot 305

Slingshot 305 is currently with the printers and should appear by the end of April. Table of Contents below.

Holes in the Checkerboard, by Justin Swanton
It's a Long Way to Tibareni (2), by Alastair McBeath
A Note on Herod the Great's Army, by Dave Beatty
Saga for Dummies, by Gordon Lawrence
Late Roman Army & the Notitia Dignitatum (2), by Luke Ueda-Sarson
A Violent Day on the Via Egnatia, by Chris Hahn
Slingshot Reviews, by Alastair McBeath, Duncan Head, Claudio Berni, Anthony Clipsom and Jim Webster

The editor is always looking for more articles, photographs and art, so feel free to contact him if you have an idea you would like to pursue.


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