
Feb 29, 2016

New League of Augsburg Now Released by Pendraken Miniatures

A lot of folks have already got their hands on these excellent new figures through pre-orders, but with only a couple of those still to be shipped out it's time to give these a proper release!

These new League of Augsburg additions round out the range nicely, adding the Dragoons and Command to an already expansive range of figures.

League of Augsburg
LOA33   French Dragoons (15 figures, inc. command)     £4.95
LOA34   Allied Dragoons (15 figures, inc. command)     £4.95
LOA35   Dismounted Command group (3 figures + 1 horse)     £1.00
LOA36   Mounted Command, standing (7 figures)     £2.50
LOA37   Mounted Command, moving (7 figures)     £2.50

And the new pics of the castings!

LOA33 - French Dragoons

LOA33 - French Dragoons

LOA34 - Allied Dragoons

LOA34 - Allied Dragoons

LOA35 - Dismounted Command group

LOA35 - Dismounted Command group

LOA36 - Mounted Command, standing

LOA36 - Mounted Command, standing

LOA37 - Mounted Command, moving

LOA37 - Mounted Command, moving

With these released, that's about it for the LoA range for now and Clibinarium will be heading off into a new period next.  This won't be for some time yet, so we'll let you know when we've got more news on that.

Pendraken Miniatures

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