
Dec 18, 2015

Good Ground LLC, Offering Painting Services

Bill Moreno of Good Ground Miniatures is proud to announce that we are now offering painting services through our new partnership with Jeff Gatlin Legions Painting Service.

Jeff does a fabulous job of bringing out the fine details of our beautifully sculpted 10mm ACW miniatures.

14th Brooklyn

Good Ground can ship your figures directly to Jeff. He paints them quickly and to a very high standard for a reasonable price.

Prices and other details are available on the site. Just follow the above link.

We Will Soon Offer Fully Painted Regiments on the Site!

Jeff's Painted Yanks

Yanks painted as Army of the Cumberland Bummers

Jeff's Painted Rebs

Mid-Late War Confederates

Jeff's Iron Brigade

Iron Brigade in Fighting Poses

Jeff's Confederate Cavalry

Confederate Cavalry

Jeff's Painted Guns

Confederates With a Captured U.S. Napoleon & a U.S. 6lb Wiard Rifle

All of the above figures were painted by Jeff. Please visit our site for details on this, and on all the great 10mm figures available from Good Ground LCC.

Good Ground LLC

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