
Dec 30, 2015

Building Middle East / North Africa from Najewitz Modellbau

Building Middle East / North Africa from Najewitz Modellbau

Building Middle East / North Africa

printer settings

To make it fast, you can certainly print the models with a layer thickness of 0.3mm. However, the lower the layers, the higher the quality. Also think of sufficient infill. Because here is sure that the top layer of printing is opaque and smooth.

We achieved our best results with the following settings:

Layer 0,2mm, Infill 20%, 50-80mm sec

But everyone knows his own printer s.besten and by trying to get the desired result. Ultimately, it depends on which printer you take. This can be a cheap geetech or an expensive ultimaker. They should all work.

Scaling   The models are designed to work for the 20/22 mm scale. The following scaling I recommend to

• Get 15mm - 73% • Get 28mm - 127% • Get 1: 144 - 50%

§§ Legal   Unfortunately, it is not without a reference to legal. By purchasing the STL file, you have the right to use them to express your building models. You determine the number of required models yourself. The copyright on these models remains with us. Specifically, this means: • The file must not be distributed under any circumstances. • The printed models may not be sold, or impressions or casts made of them. • a modification of the STL files and the transfer of modified file contents is also prohibited.

Najewitz Modellbau

10mm Trenches & Embankments

10mm Trenches & Embankments

These 10mm trench line models can also be used as 10mm embankments and earthworks.

10mm Trenches in 25mm Divisions
These 10mm-scale embankments are designed as models for marking trench lines in front of figure bases, especially for bases 25mm wide. One ‘division’ is a little over 25mm to be able to accommodate a 25mm-wide base.

The sections are designed to be finished off by having their embankments filled with a modelling compound or paste such as widely available spackle or grout filler.

Crenelated Trench Section T25-10mm-01

Crenelated Trench Section T25-10mm-01 front

Crenelated Trench Section T25-10mm-01 back

Each crenelated trench section has three full divisions and ends of half-wide divisions. The model is 113mm long.

50mm Position Trench Section T25-10mm-02

50mm Position Trench Section T25-10mm-02 front

50mm Position Trench Section T25-10mm-02 back

The position is a little over 50mm wide. The ends are half-wide divisions. The model, like T25-10mm-10, is a little over 84mm long.

Observation Trench Section T25-10mm-03

Observation Trench Section T25-10mm-03 front

Observation Trench Section T25-10mm-03 back

The observation trench is a little over 10mm wide. The ends are half-wide divisions.

Communication Trench Section T25-10mm-10

This straight communication trench model, like T25-10mm-02, is a little over 84mm long - equal to three divisions

Inward Wedge Trench Section T25-10mm-04

Inward Wedge Trench Section T25-10mm-04

Inward Wedge Trench Section T25-10mm-04

This wedge section is designed to add bends to trench lines or simply give them a more natural look.

Outward Wedge Trench Section T25-10mm-05

Outward Wedge Trench Section T25-10mm-05 front

Outward Wedge Trench Section T25-10mm-05 back

This wedge section is designed to add bends to trench lines or simply give them a more natural look. The model is one division wide.

Inward Corner Trench Section T25-10mm-06

Inward Corner Trench Section T25-10mm-06

This section can be used as a corner or as an end of a trench line. The model is half a division wide.

Outward Corner Trench Section T25-10mm-07

Outward Corner Trench Section T25-10mm-07

This section can be used as a corner or as a junction of a trench. The model is one division wide.

End Trench Section T25-10mm-08

End Trench Section T25-10mm-08

As end sections these models have only one connecting end. Pack comes with one left and one right end section. The models are half a division wide.

L-Shape End Trench Section T25-10mm-09

L-Shape End Trench Section T25-10mm-09

As end sections these models have only one connecting end. Pack comes with one left and one right end section. The models are half a division wide.

The ‘connects’ – the end shapes where the sections connect – on each section are all the same shape. The outline of the shape follows the level of the ‘ground’ that should be sculpted with modelling paste. If the models are to be used as trenches, the ground level should not be lower than the walls of the trenches at the top of the walls.

10mm Trenches & Embankments

Dec 29, 2015

Soon to be released American Civil War supplement for Black Powder

Soon to Be released American Civil War supplement for Black Powder

This is the artwork being worked upon for our soon-to-be-released American Civil War supplement for Black Powder.

The manuscript for the book has been worked upon for some time now, with various iterations being shown at some of the recent shows across the globe – the illustrations, photography, and maps are being worked upon now in time for release in 2016.

Preview American Civil War book cover art.

Warlord Games

Dec 27, 2015

Lancer Miniatures, Release Chasseurs

Lancer Miniatures, Release French Napoleonic Chasseurs

Chasseur a Cheval x 4

Lancer Miniatures, Release AWI

British Command 1 Officer 1 Drummer 2 Standard Bearers

British Grenadiers

Dec 24, 2015

Osprey Pre-Order Finland at War, The Continuation & Lapland Wars 1941-45

Osprey Pre-Order Finland at War: The Continuation & Lapland Wars 1941-45

In the aftermath of the Winter War, Finland found itself drawing ever closer to Nazi Germany, eventually joining them in Operation Barbarossa in 1941. What started as a chance to right the wrongs of the Winter War soon descended into years of uneasy trench warfare, followed by a harsh armistice that forced the Finns to take on their erstwhile German allies in Lapland. Featuring never-before-seen photographs and first-hand accounts, this second volume of a two-part study details the high-price Finland had to pay to retain its independence and freedom.

Dec 23, 2015

Osprey, The History of the Panzerwaffe Volume 1

Osprey, The History of the Panzerwaffe Volume 1

The Germans transformed armoured warfare from a lumbering and ponderous experiment in World War I into something that could decide the outcome of conflicts. This technical and operational history is the definitive guide to the legendary Panzerwaffe, from its very infancy to the days when it made Europe its garden path at the height of Nazi German power. With rare and revealing combat reports, along with photographs sourced from previously unseen private and archival collections, it uncovers the technical and operational stories of the formidable armoured beasts that formed the backbone of the German war machine - tanks such as the Panzer I, II and 38(t).

A German national, Thomas Anderson is a specialist in German armored fighting vehicles of World War II. He has spent decades researching in archives throughout Germany and the rest of Europe to discover little known facts and never previously published photographs of the might of the Panzerwaffe. A modeler, he regularly contributes to popular modeling and historical magazines across the globe including Military Modelcraft International (UK), Steel Art (Italy), Historia Militar (Spain) and Batailles & Blindes (France) as well as many others.

1 Laying the foundation - pre-war establishment 
2 The seizure of Czechoslovakia - backing the Panzerwaffe 
3 Poland - the ordeal 
4 France - at eye level 
5 The Balkans - the unwanted campaign 
6 Russia - an overmighty opponent? 
7 1942 - upgrading the Panzers 
8 North Africa - defeat instead of superiority 
9 Dark prospects - Waiting for the new tanks 
10 Tank recovery and repair 1935-42

Dec 22, 2015

Osprey, Tiger Tank Available to Pre-Order

Osprey: Tiger Tank Available to Pre-Order

The most famous tank of World War II, the Tiger was a monster of a machine that dominated the battlefields of Europe and beyond. Originally conceived in response to the German Army's experience fighting British tanks in western Europe and North Africa, the Tiger cemented its reputation of near invincibility during the savage battles of the Eastern Front.

This is a complete illustrated guide to one of the world's most famous fighting vehicles, exploring its history, its strengths and weaknesses and its combat performance as it duelled against the best the Allies had to give. Drawing on a wealth of research, detailed illustrations and contemporary photographs, this book reveals how this remarkable tank became an icon of military history.

Marcus Cowper was born in London, UK, and studied medieval history at the universities of Manchester and Birmingham. Having worked for Osprey Publishing as an editor, since 2002 he has been the co-owner of Ilios Publishing, specializing in military history publishing. He is the author of a number of titles, including Fortress 55: Cathar Castles: Fortresses of the Albigensian Crusade 1209–1300, and lives and works in Oxford, UK.

Introduction Chronology Design and Development Technical Specifications Crews, Training and Organisation Tigers vs Allied Armour Index

Available to Pre-Order!

Osprey Publishing Ltd

Dec 18, 2015

Good Ground LLC, Offering Painting Services

Bill Moreno of Good Ground Miniatures is proud to announce that we are now offering painting services through our new partnership with Jeff Gatlin Legions Painting Service.

Jeff does a fabulous job of bringing out the fine details of our beautifully sculpted 10mm ACW miniatures.

14th Brooklyn

Good Ground can ship your figures directly to Jeff. He paints them quickly and to a very high standard for a reasonable price.

Prices and other details are available on the site. Just follow the above link.

We Will Soon Offer Fully Painted Regiments on the Site!

Jeff's Painted Yanks

Yanks painted as Army of the Cumberland Bummers

Jeff's Painted Rebs

Mid-Late War Confederates

Jeff's Iron Brigade

Iron Brigade in Fighting Poses

Jeff's Confederate Cavalry

Confederate Cavalry

Jeff's Painted Guns

Confederates With a Captured U.S. Napoleon & a U.S. 6lb Wiard Rifle

All of the above figures were painted by Jeff. Please visit our site for details on this, and on all the great 10mm figures available from Good Ground LCC.

Good Ground LLC

Dec 14, 2015

Lancer Miniatures Release, 19th Century Townhouse

 Lancer Miniatures release, two 19th century townhouse

A 19th Century Townhouse (Variant 1) picture 1

A 19th Century Townhouse (Variant 1) picture 2

A 19th Century Townhouse (Variant 1) used through many parts of europe ideal for Napoleonic gaming. Townhouse as tiled roof, and exposed external beams.

A 19th Century Townhouse (Variant 1) picture 1

A 19th Century Townhouse (Variant 1) picture 2

A 19th Century Townhouse (Variant 2) used through many parts of europe ideal for Napoleonic gaming.  Townhouse as tiled roof, and exposed external beams and as an overhang of the first floor.

Lancer Miniatures

Dec 6, 2015

Pendraken Miniatures Release, Toldi IIa

Just a small release this weekend for all those WWII Hungarian players, with the Toldi II!  This was produced in slightly higher numbers than the Toldi I (110 vs 80) but then only 80 of those 110 were modified with this 40mm gun, named Toldi IIa.

We've actually had this model at Pendraken HQ for quite some time but for some reason it was never released...  Embarrassed  It's here now though!

WWII Hungarian HU2   Toldi IIa   £2.60

HU2   Toldi IIa

Warband Wood Elves Now Available

It's been a while since our last new Warband range, but we've now got the Wood Elves all moulded and released!

Warband Wood Elves Now Available

As with all Warband ranges, the packs contain maximum variety, so 25 different sculpts in the foot packs and 12 in the cavalry.  These new packs contain a lot more new sculpts, plus some oft-requested longer bows as well!  And we've also got new command and mage groups, including a special tree stump and 'Sciuridae, the squirrel of Power'...!  (If you prefer your stumps a little less rodenty, you can knock him off with the flick of a craft knife.)

Wood Elves
FAN-WEL1 - 25 x Warriors
FAN-WEL2 - 25 x Archers
FAN-WEL3 - 12 x Wild Riders
FAN-WEL4 - 5-man Command Group
FAN-WEL5 - 4 x Mages with tree stump
(packs are £4.50 each, command/mages are £1.50)

Army Pack: Contains 3 packs of Warriors, 2 packs of Archers and 1 pack each of Wild Riders, Command, and Mages, plus 8 x MDF bases.  Priced at £27.00

And some pics:

FAN-WEL1 - 25 x Warriors

FAN-WEL1 - 25 x Warriors

FAN-WEL2 - 25 x Archers

FAN-WEL2 - 25 x Archers

FAN-WEL3 - 12 x Wild Riders

FAN-WEL3 - 12 x Wild Riders

FAN-WEL4 - 5-man Command Group

FAN-WEL4 - 5-man Command Group

FAN-WEL5 - 4 x Mages with tree stump

FAN-WEL5 - 4 x Mages with tree stump

The next new Warband army shouldn't be too far away either, with the Lizardmen sitting in Pendraken HQ ready for molding.