
Oct 21, 2015

Steve Barber Models Announces 20th Anniversary Competition

Steve Barber Models Announces 20th Anniversary Competition

20th Anniversary Competition!

Yes, we have been making miniatures for 20 years! To celebrate our anniversary on 19th October, we are holding a unique competition to have a miniature of your choice sculpted! The miniature can be anything you would like to see, from any period of history. It will be sculpted in 28mm scale. The miniature will then be molded and become part of our catalog for others to order.

What Will You Receive?

The lucky winner will have the design they have chosen sculpted by Steve Barber. They will receive seven castings of the new miniature, posted to them for free.

The competition will start on 19th October 2015, and will close on 30th November 2015. The winner will then have their miniature sculpted, and will be sent photos of the completed green before it is molded.

How to Enter?

You can enter from the 19th of October!

"Like" our Facebook page. Like and Share that post. (Very important!) Write a comment on that post, saying why you should win… and the detailing miniature you would want to see sculpted. Comments can be witty, etc., and we will choose the best! Only entries that do all of the above will be counted, so please read carefully. Good luck!

Go to our Facebook page to enter this competition.

Steve Barber Models

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