
Oct 31, 2015

Pendraken Miniatures Release Nassau contingent!

Pendraken miniatures is continuing their expansion of their Napoleonic ranges this month, with the arrival of the Nassau contingent!  This little range can of course be used on both sides of the period, serving with the French in the Peninsular before switching allegiance after Leipzig in 1813 and becoming part of Wellington's army.

Nassau - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/Napoleonic-c14/Nassau-sc336/
NNA1   Line infantry / Fusiliers (30)   £4.50
NNA2   Light infantry / Voltigeur (16)   £2.50
NNA3   Light infantry / Grenadier (16)   £2.50
NNA4   Foot command (30)   £4.50
NNA5   Mounted Officers (5)   £1.50

Pendraken Miniatures will also be  looking at putting together a smaller army pack for these as well, more details to come on that.  Next up for the Napoleonics will be the Prussians, which are going into master moulds in the next fortnight and should be released before the end of the year hopefully.  After that we'll be heading back to the French to fill in some gaps.

So, time for some pics:

NNA1 - Line / Fusiliers:

NNA1 - Line / Fusiliers:

NNA2 - Lights / Voltigeurs:

NNA2 - Lights / Voltigeurs:

NNA3 - Lights / Grenadiers:

NNA3 - Lights / Grenadiers:

NNA4 - Foot command:

NNA4 - Foot command:

NNA5 - Mounted Officers:

Pendraken Miniatures

Oct 28, 2015

Dindrenzi Federation Core Helix

Inside a Dindrenzi Core Helix, Commanders have access to a large number of skimming hover vehicles that can perform lightning fast hit-and-run attacks against their enemies, allowing them to deliver punishing firepower against their foes before slipping away unseen.

The largest vehicle in the Core Helix is the impressive Kratos Heavy Skimmer – a true battlefield predator, armed with Rail Gun technology that can give even the heavily shielded Leviathans a reason to be fearful!

Next up are the Eris Medium Skimmers – a medium range engagement skimmer, used by Commanders to support the heavy elements within the Helix with even more Rail Guns!

One of the key battlefield decisions for a Commander to make is that of deciding to hold back, using their hit-and-run ability to avoid enemy weapons fire, or dive straight in and use the impact of their railgun technology to cause shield using enemies to lose their advantage.

Added to this backbone is the Circe Specialist Skimmer tasked with the designation of the insertion points for the feared Nyx Light Infantry who are trained to overwhelm foes in lightning attacks when deployed via their Damocles Class Drop Pods.

Assaulting from low orbit is a major tactic of the Dindrenzi, using calculated gambles ot strike at the heart of the enemy, allowing them to secure strategic battlefield objectives.

‘The Dindrenzi Federation is a spearhead force, that uses its ability to strike deep into a battlefield to disorientate its enemy… securing key objectives with ease’

Finally, the Leto Light Recon Skimmers provide rapid support to their Infantry brethren using a combination of raw aggression and Harvester Coil Launchers!

The Dindrenzi Federation excels at extreme, focused aggression exercised along a minimal front using strong Recon Units and Elite Infantry to provide the killer blow.

Dindrenzi Federation Core Helix

Oct 23, 2015

Good Ground LLC Announces

Good Ground LLC Annonces

Good Ground announces the arrival of our special characters line. All these special character sets are now available on the site. Each brings to life characters from the work of well-known Civil War artists while making your battlefield awesome to behold.

Click on the Special Character Sets link for details and prices.

And don't forget, we feature free shipping on all orders for over $100.00 USD of figures, models or bases until 31st October!

Good Ground LLC

Oct 21, 2015

Steve Barber Models Announces 20th Anniversary Competition

Steve Barber Models Announces 20th Anniversary Competition

20th Anniversary Competition!

Yes, we have been making miniatures for 20 years! To celebrate our anniversary on 19th October, we are holding a unique competition to have a miniature of your choice sculpted! The miniature can be anything you would like to see, from any period of history. It will be sculpted in 28mm scale. The miniature will then be molded and become part of our catalog for others to order.

What Will You Receive?

The lucky winner will have the design they have chosen sculpted by Steve Barber. They will receive seven castings of the new miniature, posted to them for free.

The competition will start on 19th October 2015, and will close on 30th November 2015. The winner will then have their miniature sculpted, and will be sent photos of the completed green before it is molded.

How to Enter?

You can enter from the 19th of October!

"Like" our Facebook page. Like and Share that post. (Very important!) Write a comment on that post, saying why you should win… and the detailing miniature you would want to see sculpted. Comments can be witty, etc., and we will choose the best! Only entries that do all of the above will be counted, so please read carefully. Good luck!

Go to our Facebook page to enter this competition.

Steve Barber Models

Oct 15, 2015

Pendraken Miniatures Release New Flags

Pendraken Miniatures release 21 new flags sheets to the website!  They've had these for quite some time on the show stand, but They've only just found time to get the images watermarked and uploaded to there website.

There's a few different periods covered here, with a handful of extra Medieval sets and also some new Ottoman Turk era sheets as well.  But the bulk of this release covers the ECW, with a massive 14 sheets covering Essex to Montrose and everything in between!   Wink  They'll still be offering the mixed, more generic flag sheets for those just wanting a nice mix of random regiments (codes PNFL10-14), but these new ones offer fantastic coverage for those wanting to do things in more detail.

All of these were researched and designed by Forum member Sandinista, so big thanks to him for his work on them.

So, the list:

Flags Late Medieval
PNFL5   15th Century German
PNFL6   100 Year War French
PNFL7   English
PNFL8   Medieval Scots

Ottoman Turks
PNFL80   Janissary
PNFL81   Sipahi 1
PNFL82   Sipahi 2

English Civil War
PNFL101   King’s Oxford Army 1
PNFL102   King’s Oxford Army 2
PNFL103   Newcastle’s
PNFL104   Other Royalist Regiments
PNFL105   Essex
PNFL106   Earl of Essex
PNFL107   Waller’s Army
PNFL108   Eastern Association
PNFL109   London Trained Bands 1
PNFL110   London Trained Bands 2
PNFL111   New Model Army
PNFL112   Covenanter 1
PNFL113   Covenanter 2
PNFL114   Montrose’s Army
(sets contain between 16-25 flags each, priced at £2.50 per sheet)

And a selection of pics:

PNFL7 - Medieval English:

PNFL7 - Medieval English:

PNFL8 - Medieval Scots:

PNFL8 - Medieval Scots:

PNFL80 - Janissary:

PNFL80 - Janissary:

PNFL101 - King's Oxford Army 1:

PNFL101 - King's Oxford Army 1:

PNFL105 - Earl of Essex:

PNFL105 - Earl of Essex:

PNFL111 - New Model Army:

PNFL111 - New Model Army:

PNFL112 - Covenanter 1:

PNFL112 - Covenanter 1:

PNFL114 - Montrose's Army:

PNFL114 - Montrose's Army:

Pendraken Miniatures

Oct 14, 2015

Escenografia Epsilon Release Spanish Windmill

Escenografia Epsilon release Spanish windmill in 10mm As with all Epsilon products these come pre-painted and ready to go straight onto your tables!

Spanish Windmill picture 1

Spanish Windmill picture 2

Escenografia Epsilon

Oct 13, 2015

A Touch of Paradise in Hell. Talbot House, Poperinge - Every-Man's Sanctuary from the Trenches

A Touch of Paradise in Hell. Talbot House, Poperinge - Every-Man's Sanctuary from the Trenches

Away from the turmoil of battle in the Ypres Salient, the town of Poperinge developed into the nerve centre of the British sector.

In the heart of this bustling town, the Army Chaplains Philip ( Tubby ) Clayton and Neville Talbot opened an Every-Man s Club . It was an alternative place of wholesome recreation where all soldiers, regardless of their rank, were welcome. The inspired way in which Tubby ran this home from home , turned Talbot House, or Toc H , into the best-known soldiers club of the British Army a sanctuary for half a million men on their way to or from the Front.

The first part, Portrait of an Every Man s Club, paints a graphic picture of Talbot House against the immense background of the waste and horror of war, from its early beginnings at the end of 1915 till the private owner s return early in 1919. The connecting thread is provided by a wide selection of Tubby s letters, mostly to his mother. These are supplemented with extracts from his diaries and other wartime writings, as well as letters and accounts from dozens of other eyewitnesses. Together they provide an intimate, vivid and complete picture of what life at the House was like.

They give us a fascinating insight into the lives that Tubby and his guests were living, the kind of thoughts they were thinking, and the visions, hopes and ideals that gripped their minds. Indeed, they tell the authentic history of Talbot House. In the second part, A Home from Home, Tubby shows us around the House so that we get a clearer picture as he passes from room to room, from the lively and noisy gaiety in the canteen to the peace and serenity in the chapel.

This guided tour is flavoured with recollections of some 40 officers and other ranks relating how they experienced the unique atmosphere radiating from the various parts of the remarkable building. In A House of People, the focus is first put on the Padre and his batman, Private Arthur Pettifer. Then follows a colourful palette of stories by the innkeeper , each about one particular customer who, for one specific reason or another, stood out in his experience.

But also a number of Talbot cousins have a tale to tell. Browsing through their memories, five of them relate a significant incident that will forever be associated with Talbot House or Tubby. The final chapter takes us beyond the walls of the Old House.

In a few poignant sketches it describes Tubby s visits to his parishioners in the slums of warfare. It portrays the comradeship of shared experiences, the excitements and the miseries, and the triumph of the human spirit over unimaginable suffering. Some rare reminiscences of the short-lived and much-tested daughter-house in Ieper complete the picture.

The appendices, all wartime documents produced at Talbot House, shed further light on its early history, management and day-to-day working. "A Touch of Paradise in Hell" can not only be enjoyed by the reader at home but also can be used as a guidebook during a visit to Talbot House and serve as a Talbot House guide to the Ieper Salient and the Somme, as it links people and stories to locations.

The annotations contain a wealth of interesting background information. Contains 203 b/w & 68 colour photos, & illustrations.


Warmonger Miniatures, Crossbowmen Kickstarter

10mm German Landsknecht Armbrustschützen (Crossbowmen)

10mm German Landsknecht Armbrustschützen (Crossbowmen)

Help Warmonger Miniatures fund the moulding and casting of another 10mm Landsknecht unit sculpted by the talented Bob Naismith.

About this project

Warmonger Miniatures is running our third Kickstarter. Our first (10mm German Landsknechte with Zweihänder (Great Swords)) and second (10mm German Landsknecht Arquebusiers (Handgunners)) were a success and we're looking to do it again with (10mm German Landsknecht Armbrustschützen (Crossbowmen)) .

In a nutshell, I'm a Warmaster gamer who's after a Dogs of War army where I don't have to worry about out-of-production models, conversions and size differences between ranges. 10mm Landsknechte fit the bill here, plus they could find a home in an Empire or historical army as well.

Warmonger Miniatures

Pendraken Miniatures Release Street Barricade

Pendraken Miniatures Release Street Barricade. This street barricade comes in 3 pieces, each being around 40mm long, to create a 120mm long barrier altogether.  It comes in high quality resin cast by the talented Ironclad Miniatures and is now on the website at only £3 per set!

The barricade itself is an assortment of bricks, boxes, sacks, doors and even a mattress, so should be of use for most of the 20th C. and beyond!

PS58 - Street barricade

PS58 - Street barricade

Oct 12, 2015

16th C. English / Scottish Release

Pendraken release new codes for 16th C. English / Scottish. These have been developed by a customer of Pendrakens along with Techno, bringing 22 new codes to our 16th C. English/Scots range and expanding it to include new French foot, English and Scot foot and mounted commands, and even some personalities!

The customer is doing an extremely large Flodden project so we're looking forward to seeing some pics of that when it's complete!

16th C. English / Scottish
ER13   Front rank pikemen, pavise
ER14   Scots Border Jedburgh Stavemen
ER15   French crossbowmen
ER16   French arquebusier
ER17   Men-at-arms on foot, plate armour
ER18   Men-at-arms, mounted, full plate
ER19   Border Horse
ER20   Medium guns with Scottish crew (3)
ER21   Heavy guns with Scottish crew (3)
ER22   English foot command (16)   £2.50
ER23   English mounted command (8 )   £2.50
ER24   Scottish foot command (16)   £2.50
ER25   Scottish mounted command (8 )   £2.50
ER26   Highlander foot command (16)   £2.50
ER27   French foot command (15)   £2.30
ER28   Heralds on foot (10)   £1.50
ER29   James IV of Scotland, mounted (1)   £0.70
ER30   Earl of Surrey, mounted (1)   £0.70
ER31   James IV of Scotland, on foot (1)   £0.45
ER32   Earl of Surrey, on foot (1)   £0.45
ER33   John ‘The Bastard’ Heron, mounted (1)   £0.70
ER34   Thomas Dacre, mounted (1)   £0.70
Packs contain 30 foot / 15 cavalry / 3 guns with crew unless shown otherwise

And now for some pics:

ER17 - Men-at-arms, on foot:

ER17 - Men-at-arms, on foot:

ER18 - Men-at-arms, mounted:

ER18 - Men-at-arms, mounted:

ER22 - English foot command:

ER22 - English foot command:

ER24 - Scottish foot command:

ER24 - Scottish foot command:

ER27 - French foot command:

ER27 - French foot command:

Pendraken Miniatures

Oct 7, 2015

Normandy Pillboxes From Escenografia Epsilon

Normandy Pillboxes From Escenografia Epsilon

Escenografia Epsilon release new 10mm Normandy pillbox pack. Which include 3 different pillbox models in 10mm  and the price is only €20. We send the product painted and Ready to Play.

Normandy Pillboxes 1

Normandy Pillboxes 2

Normandy Pillboxes 3

Normandy Pillboxes 4

Normandy Pillboxes 5

Normandy Pillboxes 6

Normandy Pillboxes 7

Normandy Pillboxes 8

Normandy Pillboxes 9

Normandy Pillboxes 10

Normandy Pillboxes 11

Oct 6, 2015

Autumn News From Magister Militum

Here's our latest news. Now the summer holidays are done, we've been busy catching up with photography. I am pleased to report there are at least 300 new photos from right across our ranges:

Cap Aero to Coastal and 1:6000 ships
10mm & 15mm Napoleonic have a good smattering
10mm fantasy
A few 10mm ancients
3mm Vaubanesque
And some accessories like dice and dice towers
You can see them all in one place easily on our Facebook page.

In other news, we are about to release a new range of 15mm ECW, and they are with the painter at the moment along with lots of 3mm figures.

Meanwhile, having got all the newly released GHQ live on the website, Richard has been busy adding the 250 products in the Osmy Oddzial 3mm range which is quite a big job! He's about half way through at the moment, if you can't see what you'd like, do email on info@magistermilitum.com and we'll be able to help you.

Magister Militum

Oct 2, 2015

What's happening with BKC?

To find out follow Pendrakens discussion on Blitzkrieg Commander Rules.

This question has been one of the most common asked of us this year, so we'll quickly run through what's going on!

The plan from the beginning has been to revamp all three of the Commander rulesets, tweaking the rules themselves where necessary, changing the layouts and formatting to make them more modern, and rebranding them with our products/logos, etc.  The army lists will also be revised and possibly reduced (at least in the main rulebook) and altered to suit our ranges where we can.

So, the current jobs list is as follows:

1.  Changes/tweaks to the rules themselves.
2.  Fixes to anything raised in feedback on the BKC site and on our Forum here:
3.  Changes to the wording where necessary to make them easier to understand.
4.  Look at the army lists to see if we can make any minor changes to better fit with our ranges, but only whilst maintaining historical accuracy!
5.  Reformatting of the layout and new photos throughout.

We're aiming to have 1-4 done by the end of December, then we'll take care of the formatting and photos ready for a reprint in January hopefully.  Now this is a little later than we'd originally planned and we apologise for that, but this is a big job and we want to get it right.

Once BKC has been done and re-released, we'll carry out the same process on Cold War Commander, which will be sometime mid-2016 we expect.   Then finally Future War Commander will be the last to get the treatment, end of 2016 hopefully.

Obviously there will be some questions on all of that, so let us know and we'll do our best to answer them.

Pendraken Miniatures