
Oct 12, 2015

16th C. English / Scottish Release

Pendraken release new codes for 16th C. English / Scottish. These have been developed by a customer of Pendrakens along with Techno, bringing 22 new codes to our 16th C. English/Scots range and expanding it to include new French foot, English and Scot foot and mounted commands, and even some personalities!

The customer is doing an extremely large Flodden project so we're looking forward to seeing some pics of that when it's complete!

16th C. English / Scottish
ER13   Front rank pikemen, pavise
ER14   Scots Border Jedburgh Stavemen
ER15   French crossbowmen
ER16   French arquebusier
ER17   Men-at-arms on foot, plate armour
ER18   Men-at-arms, mounted, full plate
ER19   Border Horse
ER20   Medium guns with Scottish crew (3)
ER21   Heavy guns with Scottish crew (3)
ER22   English foot command (16)   £2.50
ER23   English mounted command (8 )   £2.50
ER24   Scottish foot command (16)   £2.50
ER25   Scottish mounted command (8 )   £2.50
ER26   Highlander foot command (16)   £2.50
ER27   French foot command (15)   £2.30
ER28   Heralds on foot (10)   £1.50
ER29   James IV of Scotland, mounted (1)   £0.70
ER30   Earl of Surrey, mounted (1)   £0.70
ER31   James IV of Scotland, on foot (1)   £0.45
ER32   Earl of Surrey, on foot (1)   £0.45
ER33   John ‘The Bastard’ Heron, mounted (1)   £0.70
ER34   Thomas Dacre, mounted (1)   £0.70
Packs contain 30 foot / 15 cavalry / 3 guns with crew unless shown otherwise

And now for some pics:

ER17 - Men-at-arms, on foot:

ER17 - Men-at-arms, on foot:

ER18 - Men-at-arms, mounted:

ER18 - Men-at-arms, mounted:

ER22 - English foot command:

ER22 - English foot command:

ER24 - Scottish foot command:

ER24 - Scottish foot command:

ER27 - French foot command:

ER27 - French foot command:

Pendraken Miniatures

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