
Sep 30, 2015

New WWI Additions at Pendraken

In between molding new Warband ranges, prepping new Romans and Gauls, and packing/unpacking the van for shows, we've managed to get a few extra WWI goodies sorted out and ready for release. This small batch includes casualty markers for several of the nations (plus a generic one in cap), and also some items from our requests lists, such as the Belgian Lancers or Highlanders in glengarry.


BP62 – Highlanders, in Glengarry (30) £4.50
BP63 – Wiring party (10) – £1.50
BP64 – Casualty markers (10) – £1.50

B7 – Lancers (15) – £4.50

GP48 – Casualty markers (10) – £1.50

F35 – Casualty markers (10) – £1.50

AH16 – Casualty markers (10) – £1.50

WW6 – Casualty markers (10) – £1.50

We'll have a few more WWI releases coming soon, with the wagon and ambulance almost ready to go now. After those will be the new Wood Elves for Warband, the Napoleonic Nassau troops, and the new Roman/Gallic ranges!

And some pics:

BP62 – Highlanders in glengarry:

BP62 – Highlanders in glengarry:

BP63 – Wiring party:

BP63 – Wiring party:

BP64 – British casualty markers:

BP64 – British casualty markers:

B7 – Belgian Lancers:

B7 – Belgian Lancers:

GP48 – German casualty markers:

GP48 – German casualty markers:

F35 – French casualty markers:

F35 – French casualty markers:

AH16 – Austro-Hungarian casualty markers:

AH16 – Austro-Hungarian casualty markers:

WW6 – Generic casualty markers:

WW6 – Generic casualty markers:

Sep 28, 2015

Brigade Models Releases Sci-Fi Buildings

Today, we're releasing three new items in our 10mm SF Buildings range. In this release, we have two towers of different designs and a building with twin roof domes. All are single-piece resin castings and are available now from the website.

B10-104 – Small Tower 1 – £3.50 
B10-122 – Small Tower 2 – £4.00 
B10-123 – Twin Dome Building – £3.50 

We'd also like to remind everyone about the next show we're attending, Blast-tastic! in Bristol next Saturday. Since this is an SF-themed show, we will not be carrying either the Celtos or Magpie fantasy ranges or the 28mm Great War Belgians. If you'd like anything from these ranges, you'll have to order in advance (either email us or order from the website using the Collect in Person shipping option). And of course, we're happy to take advance orders for any other ranges as well.

Sep 25, 2015

Arrowhead Miniatures Release

Arrowhead Miniatures have just released remakes of the British Cromwell, Warrior APC , Jeep and the American M4A3E8 ( Fury ) tanks. They now have opened hatches and some interior detail. No pictures yet but working on them.

British Cromwell

British Cromwell

Warrior APC

Warrior APC

Arrowhead Miniatures

Sep 22, 2015

Lord and Lands Rules

Lord and Lands Rules

Lord and Lands mass fantasy battles proof copy in hand looks awesome. Rules due for first print from caliver books next week.

Totally interchangeable with historic rules so you can pit historic armies from any period against each other or fantasy vs historic

Historic rules off to publisher next week too so won't be long
Loads of instructional videos on LAL here

Examples are 6mm but will work for any scale
23 army lists done for historic LAL
Imperial Rome
Germanic tribes
Republican Rome
Late republican Rome
Greek city states
Later Persians
ECW and Middle Ages to follow

Author Craig Armstrong

Sep 15, 2015

Fight for a Throne. The Jacobite '45 Reconsidered

Fight for a Throne. The Jacobite '45 Reconsidered

The bid of Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Jacobites for the throne of Britain has never lost its grip on the popular imagination. In July 1745 he and a tiny group of companions arrived in Scotland.

They came unannounced and unsupported, and yet within less than five months Charles was able to lead an army to within marching distance of London and make King George II fear for this throne. Afterwards the Highland Army continued to out-fight the redcoats in every encounter, except its very last. These were not the achievements of a backward-looking cause, and this ground-breaking study is the first to explain exactly why.

Almost to the very end the Jacobites had the literal and metaphorical edge over their enemies, thanks to the terror-inspiring highland charge, and also, as this book as this book is the first to reveal, to the highly-advanced organisation of their forces in divisions miniature armies that allowed them to out-manoeuvre their enemies on the strategic plane. At the same time Prince Charles made a credible bid for the political and ideological high ground, an appeal based on religious toleration, and a monarchy working in cooperation with an empowered and accountable Parliament. The Prince therefore not only drew on traditional loyalties, but attracted the support of heavyweights of the new Enlightenment .

It all made a telling contrast to the demeaning nature of the Hanoverian government in Britain, which was mired deep in corruption. The Hanoverian politicians in London and Scotland, who had honed their skills in petty advantage, were now all of a sudden called upon to act as strategists, and they failed completely. The prime minister lost the Carlisle to the Jacobites simply because he refused to pay the cost of a courier. These revelations, which show the Jacobite enterprise of 1745 as a potent and modernising force, turn the accepted interpretation of this episode on its head. As an impartial historian Christopher Duffy deals comprehensively with the reasons for ultimate triumph of the Hanoverian cause in 1746. Due credit is given to the Duke of Cumberland. He was an inspirational leader.

He had the measure of the strength and weaknesses of the British Army, and he evolved the cautious and systematic kind of war that helped to bring him victory at Culloden on 16 April 1746. Conversely the Jacobites had been dogged even from the start of the Rising by their failure to reconcile two perspectives that of Prince Charles, who was striving to reclaim the crown for the Stuarts in London, and the narrower visions of the more overtly Scottish party. It led to the contentious turn-around of the Jacobites at Derby, and finally and fatally to the dispersal and exhaustion of the Highland Army before Culloden.

These assertions rest on the recent advances by other historians in Jacobite studies , and the author s continuing researches in to unexploited primary sources. His documentary finds extend to the autobiography of Lieutenant-General Hawley, Lord George Murray s explanations of key episodes of the Rising (and his detailed accompanying map of Culloden), the material collected by the restored Whig administration in Edinburgh towards an official history of the Rising, the Reverend John Home s detailed questioning of survivors, and much more.

Lastly Duffy returns to his starting point, the enduring appeal of the 45 to our instincts. He concludes that it comes from the elusive nature of the episode, recognised by tough-minded men of the time as something epic and miraculous literally beyond rational explanation, and capable ever since of being re-fashioned according to our imaginings.

Contains c 120 colour & b/w photos, maps.


Sep 11, 2015

Reconstructing the New Model Army Volume 1. Regimental Lists April 1645 to May 1649

Reconstructing the New Model Army Volume 1. Regimental Lists April 1645 to May 1649

This book provides a full listing of the troop and company commanders who served in the New Model Army during the first four years of its existence.

A second volume covering the final years of the army s existence is currently very close to completion. It will be published during 2016.

This is the first time that the officer corps of the New Model Army has been pieced together on such a scale and with such an extensive range of source materials. Unsurprisingly it corrects numerous errors to be found in more general histories of the army. The book is therefore an essential tool for studying the officer corps of the first English army in which social status was not the prime pre-requisite for attaining a senior military rank. Additionally, it is fully indexed and referenced. This will allow readers, whether military historians, local historians or family historians, to progress their particular interests through further exploration of archival and printed sources. In part one the data concerning the careers of troop and company commanders is presented in the form of snapshots of the army taken on six occasions between April 1645 and May 1649.

However, the information to be found in the very extensive footnotes will enable the reader to create a highly accurate reconstruction of the names of the troop and company commanders at any date in that period. In part two a similar exercise is conducted with respect to the junior commissioned officers. In their case the surviving documentary evidence makes a complete reconstruction impossible. It is, however, important that their names are recorded as considerable numbers went on to serve as troop and company commanders, and indeed field officers and colonels, during the last ten years of the New Model Army s existence.

Finally, in appendix one regimental lists are presented for the first time of the Earl of Essex s army at the time of its incorporation into the New Model Army, thus complementing the work of Laurence Spring on the New Model s other two progenitors, the armies of the Earl of Manchester and Sir William Waller.

The book is not a new history of the New Model Army, but it does include chapters on topics that are not addressed head-on in Ian Gentles, The New Model Army 1645-1653 (1992). One examines the extent to which the New Model Army was an English Army, an issue first raised by Mark Stoyle in Soldiers and Strangers (Yale, 2005). Another discusses the positions held by the officers before they became troop or company commanders in the New Model Army, and the effect this may have had on their subsequent military careers.

A third explores the circumstances under which officers left the army in the period 1645-1649, whist a fourth questions the notion of pinning numbers to the New Model Army regiments as was the practice in the British Army of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.


Sep 10, 2015

Berdan's Sharpshooters Coming Soon

Coming next from Good Ground LCC, Berdan's Sharpshooters. These will be in the same mold as the Irish Brigade, and will be available some time in mid-October.

Sep 2, 2015

Osprey's Upcoming Book Releases

Osprey's upcoming book releases are available to pre-order!

DARK 9: War of the Worlds

DARK 9: War of the Worlds

On one terrible night in August 1895, the world changed forever. Grey metal cylinders, launched from Mars and
hurtled through space, came crashing down in southern England. The next 15 days were marked by courage and despair, hope and shock, defeat and fleeting victory as Queen Victoria's army struggled to contain the terrible alien threat. The war, man against machines from space, was fought without mercy on both sides. And the outcome would be decided by the smallest of things… 

This book covers the whole of the Anglo-Martian conflict, beginning with a look at the relative strengths and weakness of the two armies, both English and alien, and comparing the different strategies employed. It then takes a detailed look at the actual military struggle, covering all of the major engagements between the tripods and Victoria's army.

Mike Brunton was born in Yorkshire and has spent all his working life having far too much fun in the games industry. In that time he’s worked on everything from miniatures wargames and boardgames to BAFTA award-winning computer games. Now a freelance writer and games designer, he lives in Sussex with his partner and two young sons.


British Forces 
The Martians 
15 Days in August 
Watching the Skies

GNM: The History of the Panzerwaffe Volume 1: 1939-43

GNM: The History of the Panzerwaffe Volume 1: 1939-43

The Germans transformed armoured warfare from a lumbering and ponderous experiment in World War I into something that could decide the outcome of conflicts. This technical and operational history is the definitive guide to the legendary Panzerwaffe, from its very infancy to the days when it made Europe its garden path at the height of Nazi German power. With rare and revealing combat reports, along with photographs sourced from previously unseen private and archival collections, it uncovers the technical and operational stories of the formidable armoured beasts that formed the backbone of the German war machine - tanks such as the Panzer I, II and 38(t).

A German national, Thomas Anderson is a specialist in German armored fighting vehicles of World War II. He has spent decades researching in archives throughout Germany and the rest of Europe to discover little known facts and never previously published photographs of the might of the Panzerwaffe. A modeler, he regularly contributes to popular modeling and historical magazines across the globe including Military Modelcraft International (UK), Steel Art (Italy), Historia Militar (Spain) and Batailles & Blindes (France) as well as many others.


1 Laying the foundation - pre-war establishment 
2 The seizure of Czechoslovakia - backing the Panzerwaffe 
3 Poland - the ordeal 
4 France - at eye level 
5 The Balkans - the unwanted campaign 
6 Russia - an overmighty opponent? 
7 1942 - upgrading the Panzers 
8 North Africa - defeat instead of superiority 
9 Dark prospects - Waiting for the new tanks 
10 Tank recovery and repair 1935-42

GNM: Don't Hurry Me Down to Hades: Soldiers & Families in America's Civil War

GNM: Don't Hurry Me Down to Hades: Soldiers & Families in America's Civil War

For four years American families on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line were forced to endure the violence and hardship of the Civil War. Don't Hurry Me Down to Hades is the story of these families, expertly crafted from their own words. Revealing the innermost thoughts of both famous citizens and men and women forgotten by history, esteemed Civil War historian Susannah J. Ural explores life on the battlefield and the home front, capturing the astonishing perseverance of the men and women caught up in this most brutal of conflicts.

Susannah Ural is Professor of History and Co-Director of the Dale Center for the Study of War and Society at the University of Southern Mississippi, where she specializes in the US Civil War Era, US War and Society, the American South, and Irish-American history. She is a frequent contributor to a variety of magazines and journals, including America’s Civil War, Civil War Times, and The Journal of Military History. Ural also is a frequent lecturer at industry events and conferences for such organizations as Society of Civil War Historians, Society of Military Historians, and US Army War College. She is a member of a number of professional associations, including American Irish Historical Society, Civil War Preservation Trust, Society for Military History, and Southern Historical Association.


List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Foreword Introduction Chapter 
Conclusion Notes Bibliography 

Good Ground LLC Annonces

Ladies and Gentlemen! I have added the following items to my site as of today. Now available are Zouave regimental packs. They come with 48 figures, half marching and firing, a command group, and appropriate flags at nice discount. Available for this offer are the following regiments:

Duryee's Zouaves

Wheat's Tigers, Coppen's Zouaves, 5th NY or Duryee's, 62nd NY, 146th NY, 11th NY, 9th NY or Hawkin's, 14th Brooklyn, 11th IN, 73rd NY, 155th PA, 72nd PA or Philadelphia Fire Zouaves and the 114th PA or Collis' Zouaves. I will send the appropriate mix of headgear based on your choice of regiments.

Greens of Loading crew in Kepi

Greens of Loading crew in Slouch Hats

Also, now available on the site are three different types of gun crew in either kepi or slouch hat. Again, you should specify choice when ordering. The gun crew are available firing, running up the piece or loading. Each set comes with a gun, eight barrel choices and a crew of four.

Faugh au Ballagh

Union Casualty Group

Repeating Rifle Options

More great stuff is on the workbench including the Irish Brigade, replete with boxwood sprigs on their forage caps, casualties and even snipers and infantry skirmishing with repeaters.

All this and more is coming to the largest and most complete line of 10mm American Civil War figures available.

Finally, Good Ground LLC will be attending Hurricon in Orlando, FL. Hopefully, we will see you at the booth!

Good Ground LLC