
Aug 26, 2015

New Warband Taurians Released

Finishing up our hat-trick of new Warband ranges during August, we've now got the highly anticipated Taurians ready to go!

The previous Minotaur ranges had a nice variety of poses, so Techno has made some minor tweaks to these to make them all slightly different.  The Centaurs on the other hand have been completely overhauled, with more pose variation, more weapons, and also better bows!  And to finish the range off, we've got some excellent new Command and Shaman packs, including a fantastic bull-head runestone!


FAN-TAU1 - 12 x Minotaur Warriors

FAN-TAU1 - 12 x Minotaur Warriors

FAN-TAU2 - 12 x Centaur Warriors

FAN-TAU2 - 12 x Centaur Warriors

FAN-TAU3 - 12 x Centaur Archers

FAN-TAU3 - 12 x Centaur Archers

FAN-TAU4 - 12 x Centaur Knights

FAN-TAU4 - 12 x Centaur Knights

FAN-TAU5 - 5-man Command Group

FAN-TAU5 - 5-man Command Group

FAN-TAU6 - 4 x Shamans with runestone
(packs are £4.50 each, command/mages are £1.50)

Army Pack: Contains 3 packs of Minotaur Warriors, and 1 pack each of Centaur Warriors, Centaur Archers, Centaur Knights, Command and Shamans, plus 8 x MDF bases.  Priced at £27.00

That's it for the Warband ranges this month, we're working on the Wood Elves next so we're hoping to have those ready for release in September.

Pendraken Miniatures

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