
Aug 24, 2015

Cigar Box Battle Mats Announce

You heard it right! In conjunction with Osprey Publishing, we are happy to announce the release of four new American Civil War Battle Mats based on actual scenarios from The War in the West expansion book for John Hill's Across A Deadly Field!

New ACW Battle Mats

Here's a closer look at these mats!

The Battle of Champion Hill – ADF – 4X6 Plus #220

The Battle of Champion Hill – ADF – 4X6 Plus #220

The Battle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1863. Re-fight the classic battle from Gen. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign! This scenario was designed by Dean West and is part of our Osprey Games officially licensed range of Across A Deadly Field terrain mats. This is the same fantastic artwork for Dean's scenario found in the ADF – The War in the West scenario book.

This scenario represents the situation on the battlefield at 11:30AM on May 16th, with the Union Army of the Tennessee under Gen. Grant facing off against the Confederates under Gen. John Pemberton. How will your command fare in a re-fight?

This mat will work fine for 15mm ADF games (grand-tactical) and 15mm tactical games (Johnny Reb, Fire & Fury, etc). The ground scale is approximately 1" = 60 to 80 yards.

Pickett' Mill, May 27, 1864 ADF 6X4 Plus #223

Pickett' Mill, May 27, 1864 ADF 6X4 Plus #223

The Battle of Pickett's Mill, May 27, 1864. Re-fight the intense action from the Atlanta Campaign! This scenario mat is part of our Osprey Games officially licensed range of Across A Deadly Field terrain mats. This is the same fantastic artwork found in the ADF – The War in the West scenario book.

It depicts all of the terrain featured in the artwork of the Pickett's Mill ADF scenario book, like fields, streams, woods, roads, fences, buildings, etc. The roads are approximately 1:2 inch wide. Just add your troops and start playing!

This scenario represents the situation on the battlefield at 3PM on May 27th, with the Confederates under Gen. Patrick Cleburne under attack from Gen. Oliver Howard's Federals. How will your command fare in a re-fight?

This mat will work fine for 25mm ADF games (grand-tactical) or 15mm tactical games (Johnny Reb, Fire & Fury, etc). The ground scale is approximately 1" = 60 to 80 yards.

The Battle of Nashville – A Questionable Diversion ADF 4X6 Plus #221

The Battle of Nashville – A Questionable Diversion ADF 4X6 Plus #221

The Battle of Nashville, December 15, 1864. Re-fight the intense action at the Battle of Nashville! This scenario mat is part of our Osprey Games officially licensed range of Across A Deadly Field terrain mats. This is the same fantastic artwork found in the ADF – The War in the West scenario book.

The mat features all of the images depicted in the artwork, such as roads (1:2 inch wide), trails, buildings, railroad tracks, fences, etc. Just add your troops and play!

This tactical scenario represents the situation on the battlefield at 8AM on December 15th, with the Rebels under Cheatham and Cleburne being furiously assaulted by the Federals under Gen. James Steedman. How will your command fare in a re-fight?

This mat will work fine for 25mm ADF games (grand-tactical) or 15mm tactical games (Johnny Reb, Fire & Fury, etc). The ground scale is approximately 1" = 60 to 80 yards.

The Battle of Nashville – A Union Right Hook – ADF – 4X6 Plus #222

The Battle of Nashville – A Union Right Hook – ADF – 4X6 Plus #222

The Battle of Nashville, December 15, 1864. Re-fight the intense action at Hood's redoubts along the Hillsboro Pike during the Battle of Nashville! This scenario mat is part of our Osprey Games officially licensed range of Across A Deadly Field terrain mats. This is the same fantastic artwork found in the ADF – The War in the West scenario book.

It features all of the artwork from the ADF scenario book, including: steams, redoubts, roads (1:2 inch wide), fences, buildings, etc. Just add your troops and start playing!

This scenario represents the situation on the battlefield at 1PM on December 15th, with the CSA left flank under Gen. Hood being furiously assaulted by the Federals under Gen. George Thomas. How will your command fare in a re-fight?

This mat will work fine for 25mm ADF games (grand-tactical) or 15mm tactical games (Johnny Reb, Fire & Fury, etc). The ground scale is approximately 1" = 60 to 80 yards.

As always, we wish you Good Gaming! Keep your eyes peeled for more new releases as we move into the last part of this year!

If you want to see closer examples of the art for these mats, Cigar Box Battle Mats

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