
Jun 19, 2015

Waterloo British Released by Pendraken

On the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, and after some unfortunate delays at our end, we're very happy to release Part One of our new 10mm 1812-1815 Napoleonic British!

This first batch covers all of the foot, command and cavalry codes, and we'll be following this up with the artillery, limbers and personalities in a few weeks time. (There was a slight issue with the artillery carriages, so we're just working on those.) We'll also be putting together one of our usual army packs once the range is complete.

1812-1815 British

NBR2 – Centre company, firing line (30)
NBR3 – Centre company, kneeling to receive (10) – £1.50
NBR4 – Flank company, march attack (16) – £2.50
NBR5 – Flank company, firing line (16) – £2.50
NBR6 – Line command (contains 6 sets, each with 2 standards) (30)
NBR7 – Line mounted officer (5) – £1.50
NBR8 – Light infantry, advancing, inc. command (16) – £2.50
NBR9 – Light infantry, firing, inc. command (16) – £2.50
NBR10 – Rifles, inc. Command (30)
NBR11 – Highlanders, centre company, march attack (30)
NBR12 – Highlanders, flank company, adv/firing (16) – £2.50
NBR13 – Highlanders foot command (contains 2 sets, each with 2 standards) (12) – £1.80
NBR14 – Highlander mounted officers (5) – £1.50
NBR15 – Highlander mounted General (1) – £0.45
NBR16 – Dragoons (15)
NBR17 – Light dragoons (15)
NBR18 – Hussars (15)
NBR19 – Household Cavalry (15)
NBR20 – Scots Greys cavalry (15)

(All packs priced at £4.50  and contain 30 foot or 15 cavalry, unless otherwise shown)

NBR2 – Centre Company, Firing Line

NBR2 – Centre Company, Firing Line

NBR6 – Foot Command

NBR6 – Foot Command

NBR10 – Rifles

NBR10 – Rifles

NBR16 – Dragoons

NBR16 – Dragoons

NBR20 – Scots Greys

Pendraken Miniatures.

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