
Jun 18, 2015

Good Ground LLC, Creating New Packs

Good Ground has been very busy creating new packs over the last two months. We expect to launch all of these sets prior to Historicon next month. Casting should begin shortly with our friends at Griffin Moulds. Most of these figures have been completed since May, but we had some delay while our casting company relocated to a new facility. They are now back in production, and all our new figures are awaiting production molds, which is now underway.

The Early-War CS Militia or U.S. Regulars will be available firing and marching with three head-gear options. These are Kepi, Kepi with Havelock, and Slouch Hats.

Zouaves will take a bit longer as they will have four headgear options: Fez, Turbaned Fez, Kepi, and Straw Hats. I still expect them by Historicon, as the master mold is already configured.

The Long-Awaited U.S. & CS Dismounted Cavalry With Command

Wilder's Lightning Brigade!

We are very excited about these and many new projects underway for Good Ground.


  1. Andrew,

    How do these mix with Pendraken minis!

    1. Hi Warren
      I find the infantry mix well in my opinion however they are more slender than Pendrakens. The best match is Blaze Away Miniatures ACW range if you live in the UK they can be got from Lancashire Games

      Take care

