
Apr 14, 2015

Cordwood Stacks Released From Pendraken

This little item can be seen on the cover of this book:

Cordwood Stacks Released From Pendraken

…and after being requested by one of our forum members, we thought that they seemed like such a useful bit of kit that we thought we'd get them done!

These come in two sizes, and are great for a bit of terrain, or as handy cover for your troops. We've put them in with our 19th C. Accessories section, but they will do happily do duty in other periods.

19th Century Accessories

FPX3 – Cordwood stacks, small (10)
FPX4 – Cordwood stacks, large (10)

And the pics (with a FPW figure for sizing):

FPX3 – Cordwood stacks, small

FPX3 – Cordwood stacks, small

FPX4 – Cordwood stacks, large

FPX4 – Cordwood stacks, large

19th Century Accessories

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