
Jan 13, 2015

Blitzkrieg Commander Rules

Blitzkrieg Commander IV

After a lot of hard work and effort we are delighted to announce that BKC-IV will be officially released on 6th April 2019, at the Salute show!

Our revision team, led by Mark Fry, have put a tremendous amount of effort into fixing the mistakes of BKC-III and getting a much-improved set of rules back into print and into your hands.  We've also used an extensive feedback group to read through and playtest the new rules and the response has been extremely positive.  We're very excited about BKC-IV and we hope you're going to like it too!

Replacement Copies

Now our first priority is to get a copy of BKC-IV out to everyone who bought BKC-III when it was released.  How this is done will depend on how you purchased originally:

Bought Online / Not going to Salute 2019

- You will already be in the replacement queue and don't need to do anything.  Your copy will ship out first, possibly before we leave for Salute but most likely on the Monday/Tuesday after the show.  If you've moved house since April 2017, you'll need to drop us an email with your new address.

Bought Online / Going to Salute 2019

- Please contact us to let us know that you will be attending Salute and we will pull your original order from the replacement queue.  We'll bring your new copy along to Salute for you.

Bought at Salute / Not going to Salute 2019

- If you bought at Salute but won't be attending this year, we'll need you to either send us the cover of your BKC-III book, or a picture of it by email, along with the address that you'd like your replacement sending to.  We apologise for the hassle involved in doing this, but it's the only way for us to verify that you bought a copy of BKC-III.  If you're outside the UK, it's probably easier to send a photo, but contact us if you're having any problems.

Bought at Salute / Going to Salute 2019

- If you'll be attending Salute again this year, simply bring your copy of BKC-III along to the show and we'll swap it for a shiny new copy of BKC-IV!  If you'd like to keep hold of the previous rules for any reason, we'll need to either remove the cover or mark the inside to show that the copy has been replaced.

Bought on Wargame Vault

- You don't need to do anything at all, you will receive your new pdf copy of BKC-IV through Wargame Vault automatically.  We don't have a confirmed date for this just yet, but you should receive your replacement pdf by Monday 8th at the latest.

If there's any queries on that, please let me know and we'll get you sorted out.  If you've already been in touch or given us your BKC-III cover, then you're already in the replacement system and don't need to worry.

New Pre-Orders!

For anyone who didn't buy a copy of BKC-III, we have put BKC-IV up for pre-order on the Pendraken website now:   Any new pre-orders will ship out after the replacement copies have been dealt with, so we're estimating April 11th/12th for that.  BKC-IV will be available at a discounted launch price for a limited time, so grab yourself a copy for £20! (RRP £25).  This offer will end and the rules will return to RRP when we get back to work after the Salute show on Monday April 8th.

So What's New?

One question we know that people will be asking is 'What's changed in BKC-IV?', so here's a brief summary from our author:

Our overriding intention with BKCIV was to show a natural evolution from BCKII, retaining the best elements of BKCIII but at the same time remaining true to both the BKC tradition and the Commander series of rules mechanisms.  In addition, we’ve added new game mechanisms, incorporated several widely used, tried and tested ‘house rules’, as well as tidying up the army lists.  The design of BKCIV will allow players to choose between a more formalised and higher-level game, back (almost) to BCKI and BKCII in many ways; or to play a much more granular game, almost but not quite down to a skirmish level or 1:1 level game.  We have also added (by request) more Example Tables, for ease of play and quick reference.

The significant changes are:
•   An enhanced and expanded Reconnaissance section – making Recce a more important and integral part of the game.
•   Introduction of Snipers and their effect on the battlefield.
•   Changes to the way Infantry Anti-Tank Weapons work to make them more cost effective and realistic.
•   Changes to the Artillery Barrage rules – to remove a potential for imbalance.
•   The correction of an anomaly around Naval Guns and FAOs.
•   Adding a new Tactical Doctrine for Guerrillas/Partisans, with additional features to make playing an insurgency or resistance style game possible.
•   Re-working and clarifying the Scenarios.
•   Adding to, re-wording and editing the list of Special Characteristics.

Rather than a printed QRS supplied with the rules, we'll be putting up a pdf download for people to print off as many copies as they like.  Along with this we'll be creating a series of pdfs containing a variety of expanded Optional Rules – including Perilous Terrain, Armoured Trains and Refugees amongst many others.  More of these Optional Rules will be added to the archive going forward, as will more Army Lists (an ANZAC list is already on the work-bench!)

If you are a long-standing BKC player or a new convert to WW2 gaming or even a ‘refugee’ from another set of rules, we believe that BKCIV will give you a fast to play, enjoyable and realistic table-top WW2 gaming experience.

Thank You

And finally, we'd like to apologise to everyone who bought a copy of BKC-III and has had to wait for us to get this fixed.  We appreciate how patient and understanding you've been throughout this process and we hope you enjoy BKC-IV.  We'd also like to thank every single person who has helped us get this new ruleset into production, including the authors, the playtest groups, and anyone who has provided feedback or even just a supportive email or comment at a show.  It's been a long road to get here but we're there now and we can all start enjoying some BKC games again!

Blitzkrieg Commander Tokens & Templates

Bought on Wargame Vault

Blitzkrieg Commander Rules

Blitzkrieg Commander is an exciting wargame that allows you to recreate battles of the Second World War using miniatures on a tabletop.

- Suitable for any scale miniatures, from 2mm right up to 28mm.
- Simple command system that emphasises the fog of war.
- Effective mechanism for casualty resolution.
- Flexible figure ratio meaning one base represents a platoon.
- Minimal setup time, simply assemble your forces and play.
- Contains 49 army lists covering all nations and theatres.
- Includes 15 scenarios.
- Suitable for solo, two player or multiplayer games.
- No supplements, everything you need to play WWII games in one book. 
- Quick Reference Sheet included.- Quick Reference Sheet included.
- Fully bookmarked, easy-to-use PDF.

Blitzkrieg Commander is one of the most popular WWII rulesets of the past decade with over 5000 copies sold so far across Editions 1 and 2.  This 3rd Edition remains true to the BKC you're familiar with, but with a bit of a refresh on the text.  All of the core elements remain in the game and everything should run much the way it always has.  Things that you may find work slightly differently include:

Scale - Established at '1 base = 1 platoon' 
Terrain (movement, visibility and cover) - Revamped and simplified in places.
Basic Actions - Now set out in defined actions list.
Unit Abilities (including profiles) - Revamped.
Command Units - Revamped and can now fight and be knocked out like other units.
Close Assault - Streamlined.
Off-table Support - Streamlined.
Engineering - Streamlined and moved to command phase.
Recce Actions - Streamlined.
Exceptions & Special Rules - Extracted into formal 'special abilities' for units.
Army Lists - Revamped and increased.

If you know and love Blitzkrieg Commander already then BKC-III should hopefully feel familiar but fresh to you.  For those new to these rules, grab yourself a copy and see what everyone is talking about!

These rules are also available as a hard copy directly through our website.

Blitzkrieg Commander II Rules

Blitzkrieg Commander Wargaming Rules by Specialist Military Publishing is an exciting wargame that allows you to recreate battles of the Second World War and and Spanish Civil War using miniatures on a tabletop. Command anything from a company right up to a division and get a result in 2-3 hours without becoming bogged-down in detail. Suitable for any scale miniatures from 2mm right up to 28mm (including 6mm, 1/285, 10mm, 12mm, N Scale, 15mm and 20mm) and no re-basing required. 

The rules are available as a 140-page A4-sized book (either a perfect bound hard-copy full-colour book, a print-on-demand monochrome book or a full-colour electronic PDF document) with over 45 pictures that illustrate how to play the game. These feature real miniatures as you see them on the gaming table not diagrams that belong in a physics textbook! You also get a double-sided A4-sized quick reference sheet. This is 2nd Edition of the game (dated 2009), released on 21st December 2009 and brings the game into line with Cold War Commander. The first edition of Blitzkrieg Commander is still available. 

The game can be played at one of two levels: 1 base = 1 Platoon (the scale the game was designed for) or 1 base = 1 Squad or Individual Vehicle. The ground scale is 1cm = 20m or 1cm = 10m respectively. One turn represents up to 30 minutes of real-life action. 

Main Features

The main features of the game include: 

1. command system that emphasizes the fog of war in a simple but effective manner 
2. the same mechanism for casualty resolution throughout 
3. rules for infantry, tanks, recce, artillery, aircraft, engineers, fortifications & weather 
4. flexible figure ratio meaning a base of infantry represents either a section or a platoon 
5. minimal setup time - simply assemble your forces and play 
6. unique points system that allows for unequal forces but an equal chance of victory 
7. 44 well presented army lists for 19 nations covering 15 theatres of war 
8. 15 generic scenarios suitable for any nation & theatre 
9. suitable for solo, 2-player & multi-player games at home, club, or tournament 
10. one double-sided quick reference sheet included 
11. no supplements - all you need to play in one book

Theatres Covered

1. Spanish Civil War: Spain 1936-39 (Nationalists, Republicans) 
2. World War Two: Early Far East 1937-41 (Japan, Russia) 
3. World War Two: Poland 1939 (Germany, Poland, Russia) 
4. World War Two: Finland 1939-40 (Finland, Russia) 
5. World War Two: Norway 1940 (Germany, Norway) 
6. World War Two: France & The Low Countries 1940 (Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands) 
7. World War Two: North Africa 1940-42 (Britain & Commonwealth, Germany, Italy) 
8. World War Two: Balkans 1941 (Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia) 
9. World War Two: Early Eastern Front 1941-42 (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain) 
10. World War Two: Far East 1941-45 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Japan) 
11. World War Two: Tunisia 1943 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Germany, Italy) 
12. World War Two: Mid Eastern Front 1943 (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Spain) 
13. World War Two: Italy 1943-45 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Germany, Italy) 
14. World War Two: Late Eastern Front 1944-45 (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia) 
15. World War Two: Western Europe 1944-45 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Germany) 

Blitzkrieg Commander I Rules

Blitzkrieg Commander is an exciting wargame that allows you to recreate battles of the Second World War and Spanish Civil War using miniatures on a tabletop. Command anything from a company right up to a division and get a result in 2-3 hours without becoming bogged-down in detail. Suitable for any scale miniatures from 2mm right up to 28mm (including 6mm, 1/285, 10mm, 12mm, N Scale, 15mm and 20mm) and no re-basing required. 

The rules come as a 120-page A4-sized book (either a print-on-demand monochrome book or a full-colour electronic PDF document) with over 50 pictures that illustrate how to play the game. These feature real miniatures as you see them on the gaming table not diagrams that belong in a physics textbook! You also get a double-sided A4-sized quick reference sheet. This is the 3nd printing of the game (dated 2006), released on 22nd January 2007 and contains the amendments from the 2nd Print Errata, plus an updated FAQ, both available from the Downloads area of the site. The amendments are a handful of stat changes to the army lists, so nothing major.

The game can be played at one of two levels: 1 base = 1 Platoon (the scale the game was designed for) or 1 base = 1 Squad or Individual Vehicle. The ground scale is 1cm = 20m or 1cm = 10m respectively. One turn represents up to 30 minutes of real-life action.

Main Features

The main features of the game include: 

command system that emphasizes the fog of war in a simple but effective manner 
the same mechanism for casualty resolution throughout 
rules for infantry, tanks, recce, artillery, aircraft, engineers, fortifications & weather 
flexible figure ratio meaning a base of infantry represents either a section or a platoon 
minimal setup time - simply assemble your forces and play 
unique points system that allows for unequal forces but an equal chance of victory 
43 well presented army lists for 18 nations covering 15 theatres of war 
15 generic scenarios suitable for any nation & theatre plus a simple campaign system 
suitable for solo, 2-player & multi-player games at home, club, or tournament 
one double-sided quick reference sheet included 
no supplements - all you need to play in one book 

Theatres Covered

Spanish Civil War: Spain 1936-39 (Nationalists, Republicans) 
World War Two: Early Far East 1937-41 (Japan, Russia) 
World War Two: Poland 1939 (Germany, Poland, Russia) 
World War Two: Finland 1939-40 (Finland, Russia) 
World War Two: Norway 1940 (Germany, Norway) 
World War Two: France & The Low Countries 1940 (Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands) 
World War Two: North Africa 1940-42 (Britain & Commonwealth, Germany, Italy) 
World War Two: Balkans 1941 (Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia) 
World War Two: Early Eastern Front 1941-42 (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Spain) 
World War Two: Far East 1941-45 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Japan) 
World War Two: Tunisia 1943 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Germany, Italy) 
World War Two: Mid Eastern Front 1943 (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Spain) 
World War Two: Italy 1943-45 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Germany, Italy) 
World War Two: Late Eastern Front 1944-45 (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia) 
World War Two: Western Europe 1944-45 (America, Britain & Commonwealth, Germany) 

Blitzkrieg Commander IV Downloads

Over the years there have been a variety of house rules developed for BKC-IV, so we've compiled the most popular ones into a series of Optional Rules documents.  We'll continue to add to these over the coming weeks so keep checking back for more!

General Rules - (Includes Commanders, Static Hits, Auto-Suppression and Removing Suppressions)

Artillery & Off-Table - (Includes Defensive Smoke, Final Defensive Fire, Reduced Artillery Fire-Zones and Rolling Barrage)

Deployment & Formations - (Includes Hidden Deployment and Fixed Formations)

Weather & Terrain - (Includes Weather, Alternative Terrain Rules, Random Terrain Generator, Command Posts, Night Fighting, Perilous Terrain and Vehicles & Blocking Roads)

Mother Russia - Allows you the use of massed artillery concentrations, which Russian armies used to create major tactical breakthroughs or to destroy massing enemy forces.

Armoured Riverboats - Allows the use of armoured riverboats, opening up all kinds of interesting scenarios!

Armoured Trains - Adding both Improvised and Purpose-Built armoured trains to your games!

Japanese Banzai - One for the Pacific gamers, allowing you to throw the kitchen sink at your opponent with a Japanese Banzai attack!

Resource Bases - Add an extra element of detail and work particularly well in multi-player games where they can be used to represent objectives for game scenarios or can allow a force to recover destroyed units between games.

Civilian Refugees - Fleeing or retiring civilians played a major role in affecting an armed engagement and these additional rules make for some really interesting games.

BKC-IV Rules Errata
BKC-IV Army List Errata

Blitzkrieg Commander Downloads

BKC-QRS Double-sided quick-reference sheet [84kb] 
BKC-Summary Summary page from the book [81kb] 
BKC-Campaign The campaign system from BKC [74kb] 
BKC-Errata Errata for BKC-II [142kb] 
BKC-FAQ BKC Frequently Asked Questions for use with BKC-II [132kb] 
Infantry Organisation Basic infantry unit organisation from Division down to Section [67kb] 
Converting OOBs Convert OOBs from other game systems for use with BKC-II [98kb]


Blitzkrieg Commander rules and supplements can be bought from East Front Miniatures (full disclosure I own company).

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