
Mar 20, 2014

Panzer Korps Rules

Panzer Korps Rules

Panzer Korps 10th Anniversary Edition allows players to recreate the World at War in Miniature from 1935 to 1945 at the Battalion level. Players command Divisions and Brigades.
Features HRG’s Theater based Terrain Generation System.
Unique National Characteristics seamlessly managed by the rules.

Includes Advanced Rules for extra detail.
Integrates Air Power seamlessly and is a vital part of the strategy. 
Use Military Police, Medical personnel, Ground Crews, Tank Recovery, Cavalry & other various support Companies as they were intended!
More rules enhancements and clarifications than the 1st Edition
No re-basing needed to play & works with most scales!
Can be used with Regiment and Division sized board games to resolve key battles.
Well supported with over twenty  handbooks including Campaign Master System, Scenarios, & Army Books!
Comprehensive Vehicle and Aircraft National ratings and advanced rules.
Games can be concluded within 3 to 4 hours and have a clear decision.

Panzer Korps

Panzer Korps is a complete Divisional Wargame solution for recreating WWII in miniature.  Command Corps, Divisions and Brigades across the globe with Panzer Korps' terrain generation system and refight scenarios or create your own using a point system.  Can be used with any scale from 1/600 to 25mm, Panzer Korps does not require rebasing to play and can easily use popular basing systems.

Panzer Korps Supplements

Rommel's Way: Panzer Korps Battle Scenarios Volume IX

Rommel's Way: Panzer Korps Battle Scenarios Volume IX

Rommel's Way: Panzer Korps Battle Scenarios Volume IX is the ninth in a series of Scenario books designed specifically for the Panzer Korps  WWII Rules System.  Featuring many of his own letters and opinions, Rommel's Way expands the scenario book library by offering the mind of the man behind the North African Campaign.  15 ready to play Scenarios featuring the African Front with maps & Force Groups.

Scenarios Included:

Operation Scipio '43
Sidi Bou Zid '43
Tug Argan Pass '40
Tel El Eisa '42
Bloody Keren '41
Totensonntag '41
Bedda Fomm '41
Agordhat '41
Bir El Gubi '41
Bir Hakeim '44
Nebeiwa '41
Operation Battleaxe '41
Operation Brevity '41
Abyssinian Campaign '35
Kassarine Pass '43

Panzer Korps Campaigns

Panzer Korps Campaigns

A Complete Campaign system for Panzer Korps that allows players to fight a series of battles without a map.  Comes complete with campaign rules and 20 campaign scenarios for 1 up to 10 players.  Can be used with other Divisional WWII systems.

Red Disciples Soviet Handbook 2nd Edition

Red Disciples Soviet Handbook 2nd Edition

2nd Edition: The complete Generals handbook for Soviet forces in World War II for use with Panzer Korps divisional rules system. Covers all of the Soviet forces from 1939 through 1945 including artillery, vehicles, aircraft, and organisation of forces.

Con Tutto Il Cuore Italian Handbook 1

Con Tutto Il Cuore Italian Handbook

The complete Generals handbook for Italian forces in World War II for use with Panzer Korps divisional rules system. Covers all of the Italian forces from 1939 through 1945 including artillery, vehicles, aircraft, and organisation of forces in the Spanish Civil War, Abyssinia, North Africa, Western Europe and in Russia.

Con Tutto Il Cuore Italian Handbook 2

Con Tutto Il Cuore Italian Handbook

The complete Generals handbook for Italian forces in World War II for use with Panzer Korps divisional rules system. Covers all of the Italian forces from 1939 through 1945 including artillery, vehicles, aircraft, and organisation of forces in the Spanish Civil War, Abyssinia, North Africa, Western Europe and in Russia.

L’drapeau Et L’croix French Handbook

L’drapeau Et L’croix French Handbook

The complete Generals handbook for French forces in World War II for use with Panzer Korps divisional rules system. Covers all of the French forces from 1939 through 1945 including Vichy, and all theaters.  Includes artillery, vehicles, aircraft, and organisation of forces.

Hammer Of Freedom American Handbook

Hammer Of Freedom American Handbook

The complete Generals handbook for America forces in World War II for use with Panzer Korps divisional rules system. Covers all of the American forces from 1939 through 1945 including, Marines, artillery, vehicles, aircraft, and organisation of forces.

To The Last Huszar: Hungarian Handbook

To The Last Huszar: Hungarian Handbook A

The complete Generals handbook for Hungarian forces in World War II for use with Panzer Korps divisional rules system.  Covers all of the Hungarian forces from 1939 through 1945 including artillery, vehicles, aircraft, and organisation of forces.

Blitzkrieg: The Storm Turns West 1940: Minor Allies

The Minor Allied Generals Handbook for the Blitzkrieg of 1940 for Panzer Korps.  Covers the nations of Luxembourg, Holland, Denmark, Norway and Belgium.  Includes vehicles, artillery, small arms, and all aircraft used by the forces and how to use them with Panzer Korps.

Eisenkreuz: Wehrmacht General’s Handbook

Eisenkreuz: Wehrmacht General’s Handbook

Eisenkreuz is the Wehrmacht General’s Handbook for Panzer Korps. It covers all the Wehrmacht & HEER formations from creation to the end of the war at the divisional level. From brigades to foreign contingents, Eisenkreuz covers all the vehicles, weapons and organisations you will need to play. Includes most major vehicles and organisations Brigades, Divisions and Special Formations Covers the various specialised battalion formations Details organisation at the Divisional Level Extensive tactics and techniques Glossary, Panzer Korps statistics and more! New ARKO, ARFU, and Detailed rules additions Includes Marine, Luftwaffe, and Construction contingents

Oberstgruppenführer: Waffen Ss Handbook

Oberstgruppenführer: Waffen Ss Handbook

The complete Panzer Korps source book for the Waffen SS during WWII.  Covers all elements of the Waffen SS for the Panzer Korps gaming system including tactics, vehicles, small arms, strategy, and organisation for all the formations and fronts.  Comprehensive OOB's for all Divisions.

Legiunea Romana: Romanian Handbook

Legiunea Romana: Romanian Handbook

Legiunea Romana: Romanian Generals Handbook covers all the elements for using Romanians in Panzer Korps.  Covering aircraft, artillery, vehicles and small arms, the book also has extensive OOB's for the various periods of the war including in Soviet Service.  Covers 1939 through 1945.

Banderas Adelante: Spanish Civil War Handbooks

Banderas Adelante: Spanish Civil War Handbooks

The complete Panzer Korps Generals Handbook on the Spanish Civil War.  Covers all the various belligerents and their weapons.  Includes factions, campaigns, leaders and ideology

Udarna Legija: Croatian & Slovakian General’s Handbook

Udarna Legija: Croatian & Slovakian General’s Handbook

The complete Croatian and Slovakian Generals Handbook for Panzer Korps.  Covers all the major formations and organisations for both nations as AXIS allies during WWII for use with Panzer Korps Divisional level rules.  Includes Army, Navy and Air forces organised for Panzer Korps.  Covers most vehicles, aircraft and weaponry.

When Britain Feared None: British General’s Handbook

When Britain Feared None: British General’s Handbook

When Britain Feared None covers the organisational structures of the British Army from 1940 to 1945 at the Divisional level.  Covering most combat organisational configurations, When Britain Feared None allows gamers and historians to get a handle of how the British Army structured themselves to win the war with Territorial, Commonwealth and Dominion forces.
Covers Airborne, Artillery, Armoured formations & more!
Breaks down the command structures into their respective parts
Aides in understanding the rapidly changing organisations
Vehicle and Aircraft lists
Combat Analysis of actual historical performance
Period strategies and commentary from the front
An overview of all the Major nations that contributed to the war effort!
Complete Scenarios included
Extensive Orders of Battle for certain Theaters to aide in scenario creation

Panzer Korps Scenario Book One

Panzer Korps Scenario Book One

The first in a series of scenarios for Panzer Korps Divisional warfare game from HR GAMES.  Includes 13 complete scenarios such as Bir El Gubi, Battle of Vitebsk, Battle for Ratzymin 1944 among others.

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Two

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Two

The second scenario book designed specifically for Panzer Korps WWII Divisional level rules.  Some battles Included are Bir Hakiem, Invasion of Malta, Battle for the Zeta Line, among others.  Also included is the Complete Invasion of France of the XVth Panzer Korps.  12 Scenarios

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Three

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Three

Forsaken Warriors is the third Volume in the Panzer Korps scenarios series.  Complete OB's, scenarios, and maps for the following battles:  GELA 43, Peel 44, Flavion 40, Turda 44, Meiktila 45, Huertgen Forest 44, Panzer's on the Son 44, Mechili 41, Bulge 44

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Four

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Four

The fourth Scenario book for Panzer Korps.  Contains 10 scenarios with an emphasis on the Soviets.  120 Pages.

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Five

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Five

Legacy of Defiance: Panzer Korps Scenario V is a collection of 10 scenarios featuring British, Commonwealth or Dominion forces during WWII either in North Africa, Western Europe or in the Far East.

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Six

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Six

Panzer Korps Scenarios Volume VI is the Sixth in a series of Scenario books designed specifically for the Panzer Korps WWII Rules System.  10 ready to play Scenarios featuring American forces with maps & Force Groups .

France Battle for Bayon ‘44
France Battle for Vire ‘44
France Atlantic Wall Campaign ‘44
Germany Breaking the Siegfried Line ‘44
Germany Battle for The Huertgen Forest ‘44
North Africa Sidi Bou Zid ‘43
Pacific Pelelieu ‘44
North Africa Kasserine Pass ‘43
Pacific Henderson Field ‘42
Sicily Counterstroke at Gela ‘43
Germany A Desperate Gamble ‘44

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Seven

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Seven

Panzer Korps Scenario Volume VII is the Seventh in a series of Scenario books designed specifically for the Panzer Korps  WWII Rules System.  17 ready to play Scenarios featuring Japanese forces with maps & Force Groups .
Across The Halha ‘39
Assault on Manila ‘45
Siege of Hong Kong ‘41
Battle of Senshou ‘38
Pelelieu ‘44
Battle of the Coral Sea ‘42
The Burma Road ‘42
Henderson Field ’42
Clash At Lang Son ‘40
Nanking’s Requiem ‘37
Operation Cannibal ‘43
Operation Kogo ‘44
Assault on Tai’erchuang ‘38
Russian Beach Red ‘45
Battle For Meiktila ‘45
August Storm ‘45
Battle At Lake Kasan ‘38

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Eight

Panzer Korps Scenario Book Eight

Panzer Korps Scenario Volume VIII is the Eighth in a series of Scenario books designed specifically for the Panzer Korps WWII Rules System.  12 ready to play Scenarios featuring the Russian Front with maps & Force Groups .
Battle for the Uryv Bridgehead ‘43
Paw Of The Tiger: Operation Gypsybaron ‘44
Russian Steel Near Kharkov ‘42
Kursk Counter stroke: Operation Kutuzov ‘43
Escape The Bear Trap: Operation Bagration ‘44
Black Wednesday: Spanish Blood Snow ‘43
Kursk: Ponyri Station ‘43
Blunted At Minsk-Mazovetsky ‘44
Red Giants ‘41
Slovakian Fast Corps Drives into Russia ‘41
Fulda Gap: Cold War Goes Hot ‘49
The Last Desperate Line: Seelow Heights ‘45

Panzer Korps Downloads


Hoplite Research
Panzer Korps Rules
Visit PANZERKORPHQ yahoogroup for details, fast play charts, and scenarios.
Panzer Korps Campaigns
Panzer korps rules and supplements can be bought from East Front Miniatures (full disclosure I own company).